On The Road with Thorsten Overgaard · July 2013
By: Thorsten Overgaard
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This is the ongoing journal of my travels, photography, experience with people, places and equipment.
New York
New York, July 2, 2013
"I read your review of the M 240 Thorsten von Overgaard. The best review I have read to date. Hands down. Extremely thought provoking and a joy to read. I love that you took the time to really learn the camera, as opposed to jumping out of the gates and posting a review after only spending a weekend with it."
- J. B. R. |

The rainy season in Florida ...
Clearwater, Tampa, USA, July 4, 2013
A hot, sunny and wet Florida. But we got some great photos.
"Dear Thorsten. I have always been impressed by your art ... and finally I was able to have a chance to have Leica Digilux 2. Finally! I love the camera and I can feel there is something with this camera.
I just wanted to say THANK YOU. I hope all goes well with you and hope I will be able to study and learn from your ART... Thank you from LA"
- D. L. (Los Angeles) |

4th of July in Clearwater, Florida. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-m ASPH f/0.95

One of the youngest I have worked with so far. 15 year old Emily Russell who already works as a professional photographer.
"Dear Thorsten - many thanks for a fantastic few days. I really learned a lot, and had a great time. Thank you, and I look forward to working with you again in the future."
- J. B. |
Hanging out with the kids
Florida, USA, July 2, 2013

My Super Power son Oliver and I in Clearwater, Florida.

Zach Banks and Caroline Overgaard. Friends since they met in Los Angeles last July

Singer Cali Rivlin hanging out in the diner. The only place that serve food all day from early morning till after midnight.

A late night ice cream party at Fort Harrison Hotel with my daughter Caroline and some local friends ...
"Overgaard’s epic Leica M9 review, possibly the most informative, as well as longest and most aesthetic treatise of any product on Earth."
- R. W. (London) |
New York Times Photographer and Pulitzer-Prize Winner Wins the i-shot-it.com Black-And-White Photo Competition
Santa Monica (California, USA), July 12, 2013 (press release)
Damon Winter is the winner of the Black-And-White Photo Competition organized by the online photography platform www.i-shot-it.com. The independent jury, who knew nothing about the photographer or the equipment he used, chose the image captured by the 38-year-old New York Times photographer as the winning photo. It shows a group of US soldiers in Kunduz, Afghanistan, in September 2010, huddled around in full kit, shielding a badly injured soldier with their bodies from the dust storm caused by the rotor wash of a nearby landing helicopter. Damon Winter, winner of a Pulitzer Prize in 2009, can now look forward to a sensational cash prize of around 20,000 US dollars, and a more material prize in the guise of a Leica M Monochrom range finder camera, made by the premium manufacturer Leica Camera AG, valued at 8,000 US dollars.

The winning photo by Damon Winter. To see the *Mark of Excellence* photos, visit this page.
The members of the jury, Birgit Krippner and Thorsten Overgaard, both of them prominent and internationally acclaimed photographers, praised the multiple layers of information in the winning image and described its composition as a “symphony for the eye.” At the same time, the jury was impressed by the technical perfection with which the photo was shot. “This image is a piece of art,” said both jury members in summary. Another image submitted by the winning photographer – showing US President Barack Obama in the rain – was awarded a “Mark of Excellence.” Damon Winter expressed his delight at the jury’s decision and praised the Web site i- shot-it.com: “I love the site and the contest. When I first came across it, I thought it was such a brilliant concept. I’m so glad they chose that photo. It was one of my toughest days as a photographer and it must be one of my favorite photos that I have ever taken.”
i-shot-it.com was created in 2011 in the United States of America, and since then has developed into one of the most popular photo platforms on the Internet. The Web-based platform allows both professional and amateur photography enthusiasts to enter what they describe as “The Best Photo Competition” in currently 17 categories for a small fee – the winners are then chosen by an independent jury composed of internationally renowned photographers. There are also free competitions, where the members of the i- shot-it community choose the winners themselves via online voting. The prize money is financed using the fees charged for the uploading of pictures. The winners then each receive a high-quality Leica camera in addition to the cash prize. The Internet click rates and growing number of users demonstrate the increasing popularity of the platform. Up to now, i-shot-it.com has recorded nearly 200,000 visits and 3.0 million page views per month, and has around 72,000 registered users. The Web site also has more than 218,000 Facebook fans. The site works in cooperation with Leica Camera AG in Solms, Germany.
(The above is from the press release. For more info, contact: Cardo Communications GmbH, Holger Thurm,
Friedrichstrasse 120, 10117 Berlin, Phone: +49-30-240-876-214)

The Leica M Type 240 article is online
Aarhus, Denmark, June-July 2013
The Leica M Type 240 article started in June and five new pages has been added in June-July 2013. Enjoy!
"Wow! Still taking it all in. Thanks to you all for making it an amazing time, so inspirational. I hope to see you again sometimes in Groningen, Hereford, Chichester, Zagreb, Warsaw, Greenwich, Braband, New York, Paris or maybe Barcelona."
- S. R. (London) |

"Thorsten does all of us a favor by making his experiences available on the internet at no charge. There are some who offer much less and charge for it."
- J. B. (USA) |
To be continued ...
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