On The Road with Thorsten Overgaard · February 2016
By: Thorsten Overgaard
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This is the ongoing journal of my travels, photography, experience with people, places and equipment.
"I would like to express my deep appreciation for your various blogs with information regarding all things 'Leica". This has been my camera for 50 years and I has seen no reason to change.
I like your insight, I appreciate your honesty and look forward to each communication. Please keep up the good work.".
- J. D. (Germany) |
Home in the French Chateau
February 1-28, 2016
Back in Hollywood for some weeks of writing holiday and photographing. And the Grammys, naturally.

Robin doing water colors in the Renaissance Restaurant of our hotel. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm APO-Summicron-M ASPH f/2.0.

Too cute: In the evening I found the waiter preparing papers with stencil drawings for Robin to color the next day. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm APO-Summicron-M ASPH f/2.0.
Facebook Anniversary
San Francisco, February 5, 2016
Facebook have their 12th year birthday today and I checked to see when I joined.
I know I was one of the first outside the American universities, and one of the first Danes. So I found the original e-mail, and it's 9 years and two days! Mark Zuckerberg was 22 year old when I signed up!

I signed up to Facebook three years after they started and 5-6 months after they opened up for people outside universities.
Facebook was only for university students in the beginning and opened up for registration outside universities in September 2006. So I was onto it six months after. I remember when I registered and saw the Facebook page which looked somewhat like a blog or forum, I thought, "What is this good for?" (and some times today I still do).
Facebook is a step on the road that started in 1995 primarily: My own website started in 1996, and from the year before - 1995 - the Internet allowed us to connect with people we share interests and value with, rather than people we happened to grow up in the same street with. The internet allow us to connect across the globe and across time zones, across culture, race, religion and reach out to people that - we learned - matters to us. Who would have known?
"Years ago when doing research for Leica R glass I came across your website and emailed you with my questions. You were gracious enough to respond more than once and I want to say thank you.
Ever since that encounter I read your posts and receive your newsletter. Subsequently, I now own few Leica m bodies shooting only film.."
- E. B. (USA) |
The Hollywood Life
Hollywood, Los Angeles, February, 2016.
We live in a French chateau in Hollywood when we are here. Robin has some cool friends to play with and they paint and do LEGO.

Robin Isabella and Terry working on the computer. Leica M 240 with Leica 35mm Summilux-M AA f/1.4

Some of the cool neon signs in Hollywood has been remade. This is the one on the corner of Hollywood and Vine, for Hollywood & Vine Diner. February 2016. Leica M 240 with Leica 35mm Summilux-M AA f/1.4
"Just wanted to let you know, I found your website two nights ago, and because of your review, I went out and bought the Leica Q yesterday! I’m a basic beginner, point-and-shoot guy, and your review made everything really easy to understand!"
- M. L. (USA) |

Age is just a number: I met Viola who is 105 and have been visiting the Renaissance Restaurant (in our hotel) for 25 years. Leica M 240 with Leica 35mm Summilux-M AA f/1.4. © 2016 Thorsten von Overgaard.
"Just to say how much I’m learning from you through your writings and photography. I read with great interest your review on the Noctilux f/0.95.
I was totally captivated by the Noctilux 1.0 shot of the fire hydrant – I don’t think I have ever seen a better photograph. I wanted to walk up to it, and say “Hi, my name is Garry, what’s yours”. . .
Your caption says it all: “Some will hate the fact that they can't clearly determine where the focus is ... and if it's really sharp. That is not the point; look at the atmoshere and consider if there would be a photo if it had been with another lens”.
This is the kind of photography that I want to do ... To capture the mood, the atmosphere, the moment, not only to tell the story, but to be part of it".
- G. W. (Australia) |
"The workshop was a great experience and I already feel empowered with the knowledge and confidence I gained over the last three days.
Thorsten - thanks for putting together such a great program. I never felt lost or left out."
- A. M. |
The Pre-Grammys
Hollywood, Los Angeles, February 12-14, 2016.
In the days up to the Grammys there's lots of brunches, events and stuff to do.

The Warner/Friends'n'Family Pre-Grammys Party at Quixote Studios. Leica M 240 with Leica 35mm Summilux-M AA f/1.4
"Thorsten, it was a pleasure to meet you. Your website pictures are beautiful and have depict emotion & meaning very well."
- G. O. |
"I am always receiving your news letters – thank you, and I think you are a genius! Do well and continue your success!".
- F. H. (Los Angeles) |

Here's an atmosphere shot from the Grammys afterparty at the Warner/Chappell party at Milk Studios. Jake Troth rocking' out on the dance floor to the vinyl beats from D-Nice. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95.

Danish recording artist Lukas Graham performing at the Warner/Chappell Grammys afterparty at Milk Studios. He's signed since last year with WB and in the week after the Grammys he climbed up from no 9 to no 3 on the iTunes chart with his single "7 Years". Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95.
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Update to Version 11.3
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Updates all previous Surival Kit versions since 2009. |
Buy the complete new
Lightroom Survival Kit 11.3
The Legendary Tutorial for Photographers
Brand-new JUNE 2022-version.
Now with brand-new 4+ hours of video tutorials.
New sections on compostition and storytelling.
How to edit color photos.
How to edit black & white photos.
How to do keywords logical and easy.
The most successful photo editing kit ever
Photographer Thorsten Overgaard first released the Lightroom Survival Kit in 2009 and have honed it with new and fresh updates. This Version 11 is the most radical updated and renewed version ever, four years in the making.

Professional workflow experience made simple, logical and easy to use.
Master editor makes it simple to understand
The Survival Kit is unique and one-of-a-kind being made for photographers for photographers. When someone understands their subject, they can explain it so it is easy to understand. The hallmark of Thorsten Overgaard is to make expert knowledge shown and told in a way so anyone can apply it.
Hands-on advice that works
With a 450 pages workbook and 4+ hours of video, every element of digital photography is touched on, in handy chapters and pre-flight checklists. Editing of color vs black and white photos, keywording, cropping of images, fine-tuning of tones, color balance and color control, export of originals, printing, archiving and backup, and much more.
Comes with the Overgaard Leica Presets (Value $48)
The Lightroom Survival Kit comes with Thorsten Overgaard's special-made Lightroom Presets for all digital cameras and for Leica digital cameras.
Understand all from camera to the final print
Chapters in this version goes over the background for High Dynamic Range (HDR), digital raw files and how to set up a professional photography workflow, from calibrating the screen to editing in Lightroom, and to making a final print. And more ...
10+ years experience in one package
No need to spend years figuring out the smartest way to do things when you can tap into the best way of doing things right here. The workflow of Thorsten Overgaard as been refined through years of field work with more than a thousand workshop attendees.
This method of workflow now used by thousands
The Survival Kit has been taught to thousands in workshops and in this Survival Kit. What does it do? It make you enjoy taking and making photos, and it increases your production considerabely. Most important of all, it'll give you back ownership of your files (which you will understand why is so important, once you have bought the Survival Kit and started applying its methods).
"Thorsten's methodology is perhaps not what hardware-, software- and cloud-companies want us to do, but as a former IT engineer I can only acknowledge his views about preserving our digital heritage. This workflow explained is for me the best I have ever seen".
★★★★★ |
Video tutorials, image files, presets, checklists, definitions, tutorials of Lightroom, that boils down years of experience to a workflow you can implement in less than one day.
Start working in minutes. |
"I would like to thank you for all the inspiration you have given me. Because of your blog I purchased an M9 3 years ago and have since upgraded to an M240 about a year ago".
- M. N. (USA) |
Overgaard in Los Angeles
Hollywood, Los Angeles, February 18-21, 2016.

"Big Jon" Platt and Thorsten Overgaard talkign Leica cameras and lenses. Photo by Nikolai Loveikis.

Nikolai Loveikis by Thorsten Overgaard.

Robin witht he workshop students. Photo by Hannes Gahwiler.

Photo by Britt White. Leica M 240.
"First of all, thanks for the fantastic information on your “All things Leica” kind of website. I am a new owner of a wonderful Leica M type 240. Couple of lenses and somewhat less in the wallet, but happy in the overall Leica experience. I also have owned an M6 for many years, so I’m very comfortable to the feel and Leica analog universe and operations.
Now into the digital world with my favorite camera. I have completely enjoyed your insight and thoughts on the use of this great camera. Thanks and I love you work with the camera as well".
- F. R. (USA) |
Buy the new eBook
"A Little Book on Photography"
by Thorsten von Overgaard |

Order now - Instant delivery.
More info
★ |
It's a humorous understatement to call this
new eBook by Thorsten Overgaard for
"A Little Book on Photography".
It's a grand book, a history lesson, life experience, a biography and poetry book and brilliant photo book!
All in one beautiful package of 180 pages
to fire you up and get you to love
photography ... unconditionally!
"A Little Book on Photography"
eBook for computer, Kindle and iPad.
New release March 2017.
Intro price only $47 - 180 pages.
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I met Mr. Morris who is 95 years old. We did some photos with him and listened to his story. © 2016 Thorsten Overgaard.
"I learned so much from each of you both as photographers and people. Each of your stories are special!!".
- R. R. (Boston) |

Alex put away the camera for a moment to act as model.
"Thank you so much. I have been learning so much from reading your newsmails and the Lightroom Survival Kit".
- P. P. (Germany) |

The remains.
The next Paris Workshop will be in May 2016:

"Hi Thorsten,
Just to express my sincere thanks to you for providing us such a fantastic Sydney Masterclass. The best part of the workshop was how much I could learn from making the best use of my Leica M.
I almost wasted my camera if I did not join the workshop. Please send my regards to Joy as well."
- K. W. (Sydney) |

Robin hanging out in the room with Rolling Stones, catching up on current affairs. Leica M 240 with Leica 35mm Summilux-M AA f/1.4
"Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I am one of your fans and attended your session on the power of Noctilux in Hong Kong."
- S. C. (Hong Kong) |
Buy my "New Inspiration Extension Course"

Need more info?
Read this article. |
Get inspired and rebooted!
This extension course if made for you! It can be done at home and travel at your own pace. I have taught workshops for years and the Overgaard New Inspiration Extension Course is my experience compressed to a package of training, articles, drills, assignments and video tutorials that will inspire you and take your photography to the next level! For a limited time my course includes something you cannot get anywhere or anytime else:
A portfolio-review by Thorsten Overgaard.
"The Overgaard
New Inspiration
Extension Course"
For computer and iPad. 181 p eBook. |
Only $798 |
Order now - Instant delivery. |
"I have your New Inspiration Extension Course and have viewed all videos and started a Blipfoto account .
I recently submitted a few images to a gallery
I will continue to refine and work on the things you have talked about. I diligently edit and process my images after every shoot as taught in your workshop and am always up to date with my images".
- J. L (USA) |
"I thoroughly enjoyed the workshops in London. All the best for you for 2016 and my regards to Joy".
- M. K. (Germany) |
"Dear Thorsten,
I am writing to make you my compliments. There are no words to explain how much I like your photography. I felt in love with Leica even if I have never used one."
- F. C. (London) |

