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The Thorsten von Overgaard Gallery Store: "The Thorsten von Overgaard Leica TL2 Video Quick-Start Course"
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Thorsten von Overgaard Gallery Store: "The Thorsten von Overgaard Leica TL2 Video Quick-Start Course"
Leica TL2 Quick Start guide by Thorsten Overgaard



The Leica TL2 Video Quick-Start Course is video chapters and a eBook checklist.

It's sort of a one-on-one to get you on top of the learning curve right now, so you know all the right settings and how to do all the things right from day one.

The video course works in Computer, iPad and smartphone.

Enjoy this easy to use video class with Thorsten Overgaard going over everything you need to know to enjoy the Leica TL2.


"The Leica TL2
Video Course with
Thorsten Overgaard

Buy now. Instant delivery.

For computer, smartphone and iPad.

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Only $179.00

Item #1792-0817


Everything about the camera and
how to use it in the world outside.

Focusing, adapters, white balance, settings, the complete menu ... and much more.

Thorsten Overgaard:
"The Leica TL2
Video Course"

Release date was: August 2017



What is the Leica TL2 introduction:



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Leica TL2 Quick Start guide by Thorsten Overgaard




Learning the Leica TL2 with photographer Thorsten Overgaard.

Table of Contents:



Thorsten Overgaard is a Danish born multiple award-winning photographer, known for his writings about photography and Leica cameras. He travels to more than 25 countries a year, photo-



  graphing and teaching workshops which cater to Leica enthusiasts. Some photos are available as signed editions via galleries or online. For specific photography needs, contact Thorsten Overgaard via e-mail.   Thorsten Overgaard with the Leica TL2
The Touch Menu of the Leica TL2   The complete Leica TL2 menu   The parts of the Leica TL2 camera
The Touch Menu of the Leica TL2   The complete Leica TL2 menu   The parts of the Leica TL2 camera
Color photography with the Leica TL2   Using the Leica TL2 touch screen   Kids using the TL2

Color photography with the Leica TL2


Using the Leica TL2 touch screen


Kids using the TL2

Dept of Field on Leica TL2 lenses   Macro photography with Leica TL2   White balance on Leica TL2
Dept of Field on Leica TL2 lenses   Macro photography with Leica TL2   White balance on Leica TL2
Working with the Leica TL2 outside   Lenses and adapters on Leica TL2   Focusing the Leica TL2
Working with the Leica TL2 outside   Lenses and adapters on Leica TL2   Focusing the Leica TL2
Technical terms explained   Editing the Leica TL2 files   Street photography with the Leica TL2
Technical terms explained   Editing the Leica TL2 files   Street photography with the Leica TL2

Thorsten Overgaard photo workshops and masterclasses for Leica photographers and digital photographers


Thorsten von Overgaard Gallery Store (logo)
Hardware for Photography:
1. Ventilated Shades for Adventurers
2. Computer Shade for MacBook Pro
3. Leica Authorized Dealer Ken Hansen
Learn with Thorsten Overgaard
1. Overgaard Workshops & Masterclasses
2. One-on-one with Thorsten Overgaard
3. Overgaard Extension Courses
4. Overgaard eBooks on Photography
5. Overgaard Video Masterclasses
6. Overgaard Masterclasses on Leica
7. Overgaard Books on Leica cameras
8. Overgaard Academy for Photographers
Post Production Editing Workflow:
1. Lightroom Survival Kit
2. Lightroom Brushes
3. Lightroom Presets
4. Overgaard Leica Presets for Lightroom
5. Capture One Pro Survival Kit
6. Capture One Pro Styles
7. Overgaard Leica Styles for Capture One
8. Capture One Pro Leica Brushes
9. Photographers Workflow Masterclass
10. One-on-one with Thorsten Overgaard
Overgaard Signed Original Prints:
1. Signed Original Prints by Overgaard
2. Signed Prints: The Raffles Collection
3. Signed Prints: The Salzburg Collection
4. Signed Prints: Small Prints (coming)
5. Printed Postcards
Hire Thorsten Overgaard:
1. Picture Archive Licencing
2. Commissioning Thorsten Overgaard
Always Wear A Camera:
1. "Always Wear A Camera" T-shirt
2. Sterling Silver Necklace - Vintage Leica
3. "Always Wear A Camera" Coffee Mug
Leather Products Handmade in Italy:
1. The Von Mini Messenger Walkabout
2. Camera Strap "Yosemite"
3. Camera Strap "Concorde"
4. Camera Strap "McQueen" (coming)
5. Camera Strap Leica Q-Strap
5. Camera Strap "O-Ring" (coming)
6. Desk Blotters
7. The Von Camera Bag (Leica M and SL)
8. The Von MAXI SL3 Camera Travel Bag
9. The Von MINI SL3 Camera Day Bag
10. The Von "Hemingway" Camera Bag
11. Camera Pouches (sold out)
12. The Von Cuba 55 Duffle Bag
13. The Von 24hr Travel Bag (sold out)
14. iPad Sleeves
15. Document Clutch
Gallery Store Specials Main Website and Blog


Also visit:

Overgaard Photography Workshops
Books by Thorsten Overgaard
Street Photography Masterclass Video
Adobe Photoshop Editing Masterclass
Adobe Lightroom Survival Kit
Lightroom Presets by Overgaard
Lightroom Brushes by Overgaard
Capture One Survival Kit
Capture One Styles by Overgaard
Photographer's Workflow Masterclass
Signed Original Prints by Overgaard

Von Overgaard Gallery Store
Ventilated Shades by Overgaaard
Leather Camera Straps
Camea Bags
Leather Writing Pads
Sterling Silver Camera Necklace

Leica Definitions
Leica History
Leica Lens Compendium
Leica Camera Compendium

Leica 21mm Super-Elmar-M ASPH f/3.4
Leica 21mm Super-Angulon f/3.4
Leica 28mm Summilux-M ASPH f/1.4
Leica 35mm Summilux-M ASPH f/1.4
Leica 35mm Summicron-M ASPH f/2.0
Leica 35mm APO-Summicron-M f/2.0
Leica 40mm Summicron-C f/2.0
Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95
Leica 50mm APO-Summicron-M f/2.0
Leica 50mm Summicron-M f/2.0
ELCAN 50mm f/2.0
Leica 50mm Summilux-M ASPH f/1.4
Leica 50mm Summilux-M II f/1.4 (2025)
7artisans 50mm f/1.1
Leica 75mm Summilux-M f/1.4
Leica 75mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/1.25
7artisans 75mm f/1.25
Leica 80mm Summilux-R f/1.4
Leica 90mm APO-Summicron-M f/2.0
Leica 90mm Summilux-M f/1.5
Leica 35-70mm Vario-Elmarit-R f/2.8
Leitz Cine lenses
Leica L lenses
Leica 50mm Summicron-SL f/2.0
Leica 35mm Summilux-TL f/1.4

Leica M6
Leica M12
Leica M11-D
Leica M11-P
Leica M11
Leica M11 Monochrom
Leica M10
Leica M10-P
Leica M10-R
Leica M10-D
Leica M10 Monochrom
Leica M9, M9-P and Leica ME
Leica M9 Monochrom
Leica M 240
Leica M 240 for video
Leica M 262
Leica M-D 262
Leica M 246 Monochrom
Leica SL 601
Leica SL2
Lecia SL2-S
Lecia SL3
Lecia SL3-S
Panasonic Lumix S1R
Hasselblad 907X
Hasselblad CFV 100C digital back
Hasselblad XPan
Leica R9 dSLR
Leica / Kodak/ Imacon DMR digital back
Leica Q
Leica Q2
Leica Q2 Monochrom
Leica Q3
Leica Q3 43 APO
Leica D-Lux 8
Leica D-Lux 7
Leica CL
Leica TL2
Leica Sofort
Leica S medium format
Leica X
Leica D-Lux
Leica C-Lux
Leica V-Lux>
Leica Digilux
Leica Digilux 1
Leica Digilux Zoom
Leica Digilux 2
Leica Digilux 4.3
Leica Digilux 3
Leica Digilux 1

Light metering
White Balance for More Beauty
Color Meters
Screen Calibration
Which computer to get
Sync'ing photo archive to iPhone
The Story Behind That Picture
"On The Road With von Overgaard"

Von Overgaard Masterclasses:
/ M10 / M9 / M240 / Q / Q2 / Q3 / SL2 / SL3 /TL2 /




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