Full Leica M9 Pack:
"Leica M9 Video Masterclass"
+ "Camera
Excellence Class"
Five hours of video from Thorsten Overgaard: "Leica M9 Video Masterclass" (15 episodes).
+ 65 page workbook/assignments/inspiration.
+ "Camera Excellence Video Class" (9 episodes to teach you all about cameras and photography).
+ Lightroom Presets for Leica M9.
Normal price $1,325.00
Save 65%
Only $459.00

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Item #1847-0323-B |
Thorsten Overgaard's
"Leica M9 Video Masterclass"
The definitive guide by Thorsten Overgaard based on 14 years professional use and 300,000 photos taken with the Leica M9 and Leica M9M all over the world!
For Computer,
iPad, Apple TV or smartphone.
Only $798.00

Brand new. Order now. Instant Delivery.
100% satisfaction or money back.
More info.
Item #1847-0318
New edition released March 2023 |