On The Road with Thorsten Overgaard · June 2014
By: Thorsten Overgaard
This is the ongoing journal of my travels, photography, experience with people, places and equipment.
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"Thank You… The last two days I have been reading your site and reviews of the M 240. I have found it invaluable! I can not believe in the last seven years of being a Leica user I just now found it and you. I hope to bump into you someday. I appreciate your site. It made my weekend. Beautiful shots, Beautiful!"
- M. L. (USA) |
David Lachapelle
OstLicht Gallery, Vienna, Austria, June 1, 2014
We attend the opening of the new David Lachapelle expo "Once in the Garden" at the Galerie OstLicht and met him briefly, shot him from the top of the table and got a signed book with us as we headed to Rome.

Photographer David LaChapelle at EastLicht Gallery in Vienna (OstLicht. Galerie für Fotografie), June 1, 2014. © 2014 Thorsten von Overgaard.
"As one of your former workshop student, I continue to learn even more about how to see light and photograph just viewing your photos online. Keep up the great work and thanks for all the reporting from “On the Road with von Overgaard". I particularly liked your pearl or "Thorsten Photoism": ‘if they go in they have to come out’."
- R. Y. (Texas) |

Quite a party, Peter Kruder as DJ
"It was a good time in Paris, it really inspired me a lot. And good to get to know you"
- B. K. (Sweden) |
"I got a Leica-M 240 and the Noctilux 0.95 and now I am happy and financially broken.
I enjoy your pages on the web, but... what about a formal book (in print and perhaps in electronic format for the iPad?). It would really be appreciated and valuable to most of us.
Congratulation for your delightful pictures, especially with the Noctilux 0.95. They are inspirational to me."
- S. B. (New York) |

Peter Coeln and Peter Kruder

One of the famous photographs in the expo

Someone photographed me ... or Joy behind me
"Thank you for the articles about the Leica Digilux 2 on your website. I've really enjoyed getting to know my D2 along with your instructions."
- A. F. (Germany) |
Rome, Italy, June 2, 2014
When driving into Italy and Rome Monday morning 8 AM I wondered where all the Monday morning traffic were. "Italy!" I thoght, "they just don't start the week like the rest of the world," but then realized it was a public holiday.

Lightmakers . © 2014 Thorsten Overgaard. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95

Lunchtime in Rome is family time.
So great to come back to Italy. They serve real espresso at the highway stations, real nice bread and mozarella cheese. They smile, have fun and the police women wear makeup and perfume (and a pistol).

Keeping an eye on the football on the small screen in the kitchen. Italy.
"Hi Thorsten
I'm a big fan of your photography. I recently got an M9-P and love it. What I don't get is on the Leica Forum. So many people moaning about what the Leica can't do. Just wondering what your opinion on that is, as I myself who own Canon SLR's and a Leica. I use them for what they are; a tool to create an image!
Are you coming to England soon for one of your workshops? Take care and loving your work!"
- D. F. (UK) |

Wind in the Willows. Italy, June 2014. © 2014 Thorsten Overgaard. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95

"I am a international student. I am new to Leica camera. I get to know a lot about Leica through your words and photos. I enjoy your photography style and how you capture the light. I wish I have the chance to learn more from you. Really appreciate!!"
- S. C. (Fujian) |
The results of the I-SHOT-IT.COM Premium Competition
San Francisco, USA, June 4, 2014
The winner of the I-SHOT-IT.COM Premium Competition 2/2014 has been announced, as well as a number of *Mark of Excellence* high quality photos. Judged by Birgit Krippenr and Thorsten Overgaard.

"New fan, love your work!!!"
- T. V. (London) |
Buy the new eBook
"A Little Book on Photography"
by Thorsten von Overgaard |

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It's a humorous understatement to call this
new eBook by Thorsten Overgaard for
"A Little Book on Photography".
It's a grand book, a history lesson, life experience, a biography and poetry book and brilliant photo book!
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to fire you up and get you to love
photography ... unconditionally!
"A Little Book on Photography"
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New release March 2017.
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"Dear Thorsten and Joy! Thank you so much for your time, care and 'shit load' of fun :) You are both such inspiring and carling people and I am so happy that I took part in the workshop with you. Just wanted to say thanks!"
- E. O. (Africa) |
"I was hesitated to buy the new Leica M 240 up until I talked to you from our last meeting in Jakarta. So just bought the Leica M 240, alongside al 28mm Summicron ASPH to get myself detached from 50mm and try a new perspective in my photography (still keeping all my 50mm lenses though).
Anyway thanks for giving me a little insight regarding M240, after talking to you I realized, anything else doesn't matter, as long as I feel comfortable using the camera. Then it is the best camera for me. I was too attached with my M9 and I think I'm gonna like this new M.
Thanks for your time Thorsten. Have a lovely day, really look forward to arranging my time and meet you up again somewhere in the future .... in some part of the world."
- A. C. (Jakarta) |
Thorsten filmed for a documentary, in Rome
Rome, Italy, June 4-7, 2014
Northpass Media from Knasas City in USA flew to Rome with two RED cameras and an impressive amount of gear (500 pounds I think it was) to film me for a documentary that will have premiere in July-August 2014. A team of four followed me for some days and also was up and about as early as 4.30 AM to fim the sunrise over the rooftops of Rome.
Join the premiere showings on Facebook "A Life With Leica" and the website lifewithleica.com

Thorsten being filmed in Rome by Zach and Reid from Nothpass Media, in 36º Celcius the last day. Here we are focuing on some hand details and cameraporn in high speed. Photo by Kurt Bangert.
We got to play with some sexy camera gear ...

Thorsten on set for the documentary. Photo by Reid H Bangert.
"A great article Thorsten. You should write a book!"
- P. J. (USA) |
A roadtrip from Rome through Austria and Germany
Italy, Austria and Germany, June 8-9, 2014

An Italien in the mountains of North Italy, on a roadtrip with the German masterpiece ... or one of them, the Mercedes 280 SL.

Orte is a city on a hilltop, built as a castle, just one hour from Rome.
My note from the morning of June 8:
"Driving all night from Rome we stopped in a small Italian town Rovereto. This morning I was sitting in the bathroom and looked at the bidet when it hit me: "There is no toilet! Have we gotten a room without toilet?" but then realized I was sitting on it.
When we left rome late in the afternoon in C35°/F88 we decided to visit the the city Orte for dinner and some photos. The city is built like a castle on top of a hill, so just finding the way into the city (not to mention a parking space) was an adventure in itself.
Next we planned on stopping in Florence for the night, but the hotel we had looked for was not there anymore. We thought if we could find the Fendi store, there might be another nice hotel nearby! We tried but found ourself captured in a city centre with drunken tourist, horny underage boys and oneway traffic. So we left Florence after our first and last visit with too many sightings of hookers on roads.
The next two hotels we spotted from the highway were closed down! So we ended up in a small town under the mountains where the nightwatch was awake to give us a key. As it turned out it was just the right place, with an outdoor pool to prepare us for another day of day of travel.
The chance that we will find a Fendi store on the way now, that is open, is small. So today we may drive all the way to Denmark and get some work done before we go to Seattle and SF in two weeks time."

Racing through the mountains in the in Reutte District., Austria. Italy and Austria offer amazing views and roads. Tunnels, mountains and great coffee at the roadside cafes. © 2014 Thorsten Overgaard. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95.
The moment you arrive in Germany it all becomes more flat and a little less exiting. Best illustrated when there is a rather small mountain in front of the highway. In Italy they would have made a tunnel straight through it. In Austria they would have made a road over it. In Germany the highway A7 simply gout around it. The road home from there is almost stright down the same highway in one staight line for ten hours.
"Thank you very much. I was not expecting such an important person to reply at all - let alone to reply so quickly. This was very gracious of you. I shall take my 240 out this morning!"
- H. W. (Taiwan) |
A new article in the Leica M Monochrom series
Aarhus, Denmark, June 11, 2014
I just published the Page 23 of the Leica M Monochrom article series. This one is about a daytrip to Cambridge University with the MM and the Leica 50mm APO-Summicron-M ASPH f/2.0.
I also touch on Leica Customer Serice and their new pick-up service, as well as the need for sensor adjustment. And finally, there is a little about replacing defect Leica MM and Leica M9 sensors due to the coating on the sensor glass peeling off. This is not a common error, and it is something Leica Camera AG deals with if it occurs.

The New Leica M Monochrom Article: "Walking on Sacred Grass"
"Thanks so much for taking the time to reply. Really appreciate it."
- B. H. (USA) |
Roadtrip in Denmark
Juelsminde, Denmark, June 11, 2014

"What a excellent picture! You are trully proffessional! Thank you so much!"
- K. K. (Tokyo) |
An ultra-short trip to Bangladesh
Bangladesh, June 18-21, 2014
I went to Bangladesh to shoot a series of pictures for a 8-page article in a magazine. I've never been before, so that was exiting. Rural country, but what does it mean in the real world?
I did this Story Behind The Picture "A Visit To Bangladesh" about the experience. Enjoy!

Story Behind The Picture "A Visit To Bangladesh"
"That was the best review of a camera (or anything available on planet earth for that matter) that I've ever read. And I read it all. I wanted to thank you for making the 8 days that I've been reading your review the most wonderful time spent before bed every night"
- J. A. (San Francisco) |
Seattle, USA, June 26 - 31, 2014
We went to Seattle. Fist stop for the next nine weeks in the US.
Robin waiting for the UBER.

James out and about with the Leica M Monochrom. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm APO-Summicron-M ASPH f/0.95. © 2014 Thorsten Overgaard.
"Love your website and work! Just a good balance between photo quality and...love for equipment and accessory!"
- J. V. (Italy) |

Lost in the moment. We met Satu from Finland today. She met her American husband in Korea, and after having lived in her home country Finland for a while, they now just mover to Seattle. © 2014 Thorsten Overgaard

A romantic moment under the Eiffel Tower. © 2014 Thorsten Overgaard. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95