On The Road with Thorsten Overgaard · September 2016
By: Thorsten Overgaard
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This is the ongoing journal of my travels, photography, experience with people, places and equipment.
"I like your style, your writings and your work ethic."
- J. M. (Florida) |
Suddenly, my daughter Caroline got married
Clearwater, Florida, USA. September 3, 2016
We went to Clearwater in Florida where my daughter Caroline got married to Chet in the ballroom of The Fort Harrison Hotel in Clearwater, Florida. It was just yesterday she was sitting on the back seat of the car on her way to kindergarten. See more pictrues and story here.

Caroline and her husband Chet before the wedding. I asked for a photo of the together, forgetting he wasn't allowed to see here. So we handled that. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95. © 2016 Thorsten Overgaard. See more pictrues and story here.
We found a new Miami
New York, USA. September 5-6, 2016
In Miami I found some interesting locations in Miami that I had ever stumbled into before.

The Muscle Beach in Miami. Leica M-D 262 with Leica 50mm Summilux-M ASPH f/1.4 BC. © 2016 Thorsten Overgaard.

A young school girl running for the USA in Coconut Grove. Leica M-D 262 with Leica 50mm Summilux-M ASPH f/1.4 BC. © 2016 Thorsten Overgaard.
Leica Q ventilated shade
September 2016.
My own Leica Q ventilated shade I designed for my Leica Q has gone into production and we started shipping them. They ship from Hong Kong and arrives in 1-2 days in Asia and about a week in Europe and USA.

Leica Q Ventilated Shade by Thorsten Overgaard.
Buy my "New Inspiration Extension Course"

Need more info?
Read this article. |
Get inspired and rebooted!
This extension course if made for you! It can be done at home and travel at your own pace. I have taught workshops for years and the Overgaard New Inspiration Extension Course is my experience compressed to a package of training, articles, drills, assignments and video tutorials that will inspire you and take your photography to the next level! For a limited time my course includes something you cannot get anywhere or anytime else:
A portfolio-review by Thorsten Overgaard.
"The Overgaard
New Inspiration
Extension Course"
For computer and iPad. 181 p eBook. |
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"What a blast, the Workshop! Truly thank you to everyone for inspiring me, for interesting conversations, and for sharing your photography wisdom with me.
Thank you Thorsten for sharing your passion for photography and Leica."
- C. V. (USA) |

Inside the Cafe Grumpy in New York a few days ago. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Summilux-M ASPH f/1.4 BC. © 2016 Thorsten von Overgaard. Read the Story Behind That Picture on this picture here.
New York
New York, USA. September 8-10, 2016
"My appreciation for this camera has grown tremendously through this workshop experience."
- B. C. (USA) |

Skaters in the Dr Gertrude B. Kelly Playground in New York. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Summilux-M ASPH f/1.4 BC. © 2016 Thorsten Overgaard.
Such a pleasure to spend three days with all of you — thank you for the inspiration and the conversation. Thorsten: Thank you for leading us though photography, food and coffee. Next time I hesitate on the shutter, I will remember your wise words: “just f@#king shoot it.”
- J. B. (USA) |

I visited JJ Hat Center on 5th Avenue and got a new hat. Here's the hat designer Van Huynh and Thorsten talking hats. Van Huynh designed the one Thorsten is wearing, and it's the only one existing ("Summer Breeze"). Photo by Brian Shimansky.
"Really enjoyed the few days we had together. Many thanks for your friendship, conversation and inspiration, and especially to Thorsten for your direct no-nonsense approach to photography and use of Lightroom.
The downside is that Thorsten and you guys have reignited my passion for all things Leica…I had strayed to Sony ... which can only cost me a shed-load of money in the long term :-) Please stay in touch and if anyone makes it to Ireland, please look me up."
- N. O. (Ireland) |

Taking photographs and sharing them on the streets of NYC. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Summilux-M ASPH f/1.4 BC. © 2016 Thorsten Overgaard.
"Hello to all the Thorsten gang,
It seemed odd to get up on Sunday morning and head to the airport instead of the hotel. Back home I dove into editing with a new eye, inspired by Thorsten and each of you. This was a fantastic experience, sending a big wave of appreciation for this precious block of time.
I loved it all, and hope our paths keep crossing in real time or online, am open to hearing from you, sharing your work, gear, thoughts and creative process."
- M. T. (USA) |
"I enjoyed spending time with all of you at the workshop and learning from you and from the master, Thorsten. Let’s stay in touch and share photos, tips, and of course, ways to spend more money on Leica equipment."
- D. M. (New York) |
Photographing Harlem
New York, USA. September 11-12, 2016
I was back in Harlem again.

Harlem. Leica M 240 with Leica 35mm Summilux-M ASPH f/1.4 FLE. © 2016 Thorsten Overgaard.
Meeting one of the great
New York, USA. September 13, 2016
Before I left New York for this time, I met up with Ken Hansen who' sknown to many as the greatest Leica dealer in the US.
We had a great talk about life, Leica, Scandinavia and all which will be an interview on my page later.

Thorsten Overgaard and Ken Hansen in the midst of New York while the New York Fashion Week is packing down. Photo by Edward Sherman. Leica M 240 with Leica 35mm Summilux-M ASPHERICAL f/1.4 AA.
"Thank you for the e-book. I have found it very useful."
- J. T. (South Africa) |
Save 80% today on the best-selling eBook
"Finding The Magic of Light"
by Thorsten Overgaard
You save $37.60. You pay $9.40.

Order now - Instant delivery.
(Note: If you bought the first edition of this book, this new edition is free. Simply send an e-mail for your free update). |
In this easy to read and apply eBook, Thorsten Overgaard takes you on a journey to see, understand and simply use light.
"One of the most important ways to get an aesthetic and pleasant picture is to find the good light."
"Finding the Magic of Light"
eBook for computer, Kindle and iPad
Only $47 - NEW 2nd EDITION - 87 Pages.Also available in German -->

You save $37.60
You pay $9.40
"I've already read two of your books and it goes without saying that you "walk the talk! I'm very happy that I stumbled upon you and hope some day to attend a live class with you."
J. F. (USA)
"I was able to pick up some significant techniques on lighting."
J. M. (Philippines)
"Love your approach to photography,
very refreshing, no B.S."
M. B. (UK)
"Your work is great! I sit down with your eBook on “The Magic of Light”, grab my coffee, read and then open to a new page in my notebook and write! Your work affirms my thoughts on beauty and life. Thank you!"
M. B. (USA) |
"I found your eBook "Finding the Magic of Light" very inspiring and useful in my own personal development as a keen photographer and have improved my skills already from reading this."
P. B. (Denmark)
"Exactly what I craved. Excellent book.
I plan to attend one of your workshops
this year."
C. S. (Toronto)
"A must have
(particularly useful for street photography)"
A. F. (Spain)
"A great and creatively inspiring read.
Highly recommend it."
L. T. (USA)
★ |
Back in Los Angeles
Hollywood, Los Angeles, USA. September 14 - 22, 2016
I spent a few days in Hollywood. One of life's unforseen events (or at least one that is hard to plan) was that AC I was supposed to have lunch with, passed away while I was in New York. So our lunch was replaced with a memorial.

Brother SAL performed at the memorial for Asbjørn Christensen in Hollywood on September 17 2016.

Film director René Sascha Johannsen shared anecdotes and spoke about a good friend and father in law at the memorial for Asbjørn Christensen in Hollywood on September 17 2016. Leica M 240 with Leica 35mm Summilux-M ASPH f/1.4.

Singer and dancer David Boyd of New Politics performed at the memorial for Asbjørn Christensen in Hollywood on September 17 2016. Leica M 240 with Leica 35mm Summilux-M ASPH f/1.4.

I also had the pleasure of meeting Los Angeles based photographer Dotan Saguy for coffee and interview in the garden. I'm doing an article on him and his use of the Leica M 240 and Leica M 246 Monochrom. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Summilux-M ASPH f/1.4 BC. © 2016 Thorsten Overgaard.

I photographed musician and artist Grant Peak in Hollywood. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M f/1.2. © 2016 Thorsten Overgaard.
A visit to Columbia
Cartagena, Columbia. September 22-29, 2016
I will be going to Columbia for sailing and photographing. First time there so that shall be exiting.
Midnight in Paris
Paris, France. September 30 to October 6, 2016
I will be going to Paris straight from Columbia. Maybe to the mothership in Wetzlar on the way. My Paris Workshop is on October 4-6.
Paris Workshop:

"Your guide to Lightroom is awesome! It has helped me tremendously!."
- S. G. (New York) |
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Buy the complete new
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Now with brand-new 4+ hours of video tutorials.
New sections on compostition and storytelling.
How to edit color photos.
How to edit black & white photos.
How to do keywords logical and easy.
The most successful photo editing kit ever
Photographer Thorsten Overgaard first released the Lightroom Survival Kit in 2009 and have honed it with new and fresh updates. This Version 11 is the most radical updated and renewed version ever, four years in the making.

Professional workflow experience made simple, logical and easy to use.
Master editor makes it simple to understand
The Survival Kit is unique and one-of-a-kind being made for photographers for photographers. When someone understands their subject, they can explain it so it is easy to understand. The hallmark of Thorsten Overgaard is to make expert knowledge shown and told in a way so anyone can apply it.
Hands-on advice that works
With a 450 pages workbook and 4+ hours of video, every element of digital photography is touched on, in handy chapters and pre-flight checklists. Editing of color vs black and white photos, keywording, cropping of images, fine-tuning of tones, color balance and color control, export of originals, printing, archiving and backup, and much more.
Comes with the Overgaard Leica Presets (Value $48)
The Lightroom Survival Kit comes with Thorsten Overgaard's special-made Lightroom Presets for all digital cameras and for Leica digital cameras.
Understand all from camera to the final print
Chapters in this version goes over the background for High Dynamic Range (HDR), digital raw files and how to set up a professional photography workflow, from calibrating the screen to editing in Lightroom, and to making a final print. And more ...
10+ years experience in one package
No need to spend years figuring out the smartest way to do things when you can tap into the best way of doing things right here. The workflow of Thorsten Overgaard as been refined through years of field work with more than a thousand workshop attendees.
This method of workflow now used by thousands
The Survival Kit has been taught to thousands in workshops and in this Survival Kit. What does it do? It make you enjoy taking and making photos, and it increases your production considerabely. Most important of all, it'll give you back ownership of your files (which you will understand why is so important, once you have bought the Survival Kit and started applying its methods).
"Thorsten's methodology is perhaps not what hardware-, software- and cloud-companies want us to do, but as a former IT engineer I can only acknowledge his views about preserving our digital heritage. This workflow explained is for me the best I have ever seen".
★★★★★ |
Video tutorials, image files, presets, checklists, definitions, tutorials of Lightroom, that boils down years of experience to a workflow you can implement in less than one day.
Start working in minutes. |