On The Road with Thorsten Overgaard · April 2013
By: Thorsten Overgaard
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This is the ongoing journal of my travels, photography, experience with people, places and equipment.
"I never have any objection to your translating, circulating, even claiming for yourself, my articles"
- Theodore Sorensen (JFK speechwriter) |
Shooting a live still photo
Sydney, Australia, April 4, 2013:
One of the possibilities of the Leica M Type 240 is the video button. And walking around in Sydney with my Sydney Workshop we came across Alex Winter perfroming ont he street. Doing a still I realized that I might simply stay there and do the same as video. The content was pretty obvious, I didn't have to do anything more than that. I simply uploaded the video straight from the memory card, no editing or anything.
Axel Winter performing "Let Her Go" by Passenger in Sydney (Filmed with Leica M Type 240 and Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95 @ f/1.4)
I will be visiting Perth and Sydney again in the end of 2013.
You an see a slideshow from last tim I was in Sydney, October-November 2011 here.
"No messing around the bush or dull lectures. Hands on equipment and great talks to start of with. Technique is only my interest to be able to use it, and therefore I was very pleased with the relaxed approach Thorsten has to his workshop. Practical and a precise focus on tools rather than technical diagrams and theoretical based information’s. Do this and it works like this. Simple and constructive."
- M. A. (Denmark) |
Spring cleaning in my lens collection
Sydney, Australia, April 7, 2013:
If you can have anything, having less can become a luxury. It's not as easy as said, but I think I made a good effort this month. I simply changed my lens lineup to being just 21mm, 50mm and 90mm.
Having one or several of Leica M9, Leica MM and Leica M and several lenses that was must have lenses but not really getting love or use, I decided to let go and at the same time replace the 21mm Super-Elmarit-M ASPH f/3.4 with the more challenging and exotic Leica 21mm Summilux-M ASPH f/1.4. Camera Electronics in Perth had one in stock and were able to ship it to my favorite coffee place in Sydney. Next morning at 9.10 AM it was next to my morning coffee.
I may add a few more 50mm lenses over the next months as that is my main working lens. The ones I have in mind are the 50mm Summilux-M f/1.4 from the 1960ies (serial range around 1.700.000) and then the new 50mm APO-Summicron-M ASPH f/2.0 should find its way to me sooner or later.
With the new Leica M and the possibility of usign R lenses I will have to investigate if any of the R lenses might have a special look that would make me use them. But else I think also that section of the collection will have to go through a spring (or autumn-) cleaning.
It is unusual that a brand produce new and better products with such enthusiasm as Leica Camera AG, so I would rather try to follow the new and let go of the past. Though some select pieces are worth staying with.
"The 3 days of photography has reignited my passion for photography. My wife and parents saw the photos and were very impressed, I will be showing my work to more people and will let you know what there reaction is. I hope we can meet soon again. May the light be with you!"
- V. K. (Australia) |
Birgit Krippner expo in Napier, New Zealand
Sydney, Australia, April 7, 2013:
I visited Napier in New Zealand to participate in the opening of the Birgit Krippner "Private View" expo in the Black Barn Vineyeard. This expo and her book has been in the planning for one and a half year, so when I knew, I planned a workshop in Napier that week.

Artist Night in Paris
Paris, France, April 24, 2013:
One of the new things I have started doing as I travel, is to connect up with artists from all fields at "Artist Nights". The concept is simply that Joy Villa perform some of her songs, and then we talk about traveling and making a living of doing your art.
We get very good response on this, and thus we continue doing it. It is usually an evening, just 2-3 hours where everyone in the room get to talk about their art and career.
As a follow-up on the Artist Night in Paris, we will be doing a longer event, a Artist Workshop Weekend on September 28-29, 2013. This one will cost a small amount to cover materials but will be a workshop where I will go over certain tools that can be of use as an artist.
This Artist Workshop Weekend is not a photography workshop, but an artist workshop. So it will be more about how one can improve ones art, create a lifestyle where one make a good living from doing exactly what one like to do. Anyone are welcome, and it is placed just after my Overgaard Photography Workshop in Paris, as well as the Paris Fashion Week.
"Min dine dybe respekt for dit arbejde - "second to none" !!!!!!"
- A. A. (Denmark) |

