On The Road with Thorsten Overgaard · April 2017
By: Thorsten Overgaard
Add to Flipboard Magazine.
This is the ongoing journal of my travels, photography, experience with people, places and equipment.
"Darlingest Thorsten,
What can I possibly say? Amazing time! … I learned so much! … Can’t wait to meet up again!
My time spent with you was awesome and i am truly truly grateful! … I will definitely want another one-to-one and it is possible that I will do another workshop with you soon.
Tell Princess Joy that i love her to pieces and that she is a complete JOY to spend time with
Ok … Gotta’ go look for sparkles!
(Faithful Overgaard disciple)"
- S. G. (USA) |
New York
New York, USA, April 5 - 12 , 2017
We spenta few days in New York with a talk on the "Art of Street Photography" at BH Photo and a morning show on Fox & Friends.

"Vesuvio Bakery" Leica M10 with Leica 28mm Summilux-M ASPH f/1.4. Click to read The Story Behind That Picture.

Thorsten von Overgaard giving a talk on the "Art of Street Photography" for a packed house at BH Photo in new Yor and 1,000+ online viewers (the talk is stil available online on the FB page of BH Event Space).

Robin in New York. Fujifilm X-Pro 2. © Thorsten Overgaard.
"Thorsten ... Not since discovering Ansel Adams, have I been this inspired (finding your website and YouTube channel). Thank you for your authenticity and no bs! Your messages are very life affirming."
- K. K. |

New York. Fujifilm X-Pro 2. © Thorsten Overgaard.
Los Angeles
Hollywood, California, USA. April 14-25, 2017.

Preparing for Easter Dinner in the gaden in Hollywood. Sony A7ii. © Thorsten Overgaard.

Easter Dinner in Hollywood. Sony A7ii. © Thorsten Overgaard.

Easter Dinner in the gaden in Hollywood. Sony A7ii. © Thorsten Overgaard.

Workshop in Hollywood. Fujifilm X-Pro 2. © Thorsten Overgaard.

Workshop in Hollywood. Fujifilm X-Pro 2. © Thorsten Overgaard.

Workshop in Hollywood. Fujifilm X-Pro 2. © Thorsten Overgaard.
Buy my "New Inspiration Extension Course"

Need more info?
Read this article. |
Get inspired and rebooted!
This extension course if made for you! It can be done at home and travel at your own pace. I have taught workshops for years and the Overgaard New Inspiration Extension Course is my experience compressed to a package of training, articles, drills, assignments and video tutorials that will inspire you and take your photography to the next level! For a limited time my course includes something you cannot get anywhere or anytime else:
A portfolio-review by Thorsten Overgaard.
"The Overgaard
New Inspiration
Extension Course"
For computer and iPad. 181 p eBook. |
Only $798 |
Order now - Instant delivery. |

Robin Isabella von Overgaard. Leica M10 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95. © 2017 Thorsten Overgaard.
"I am an avid reader of your website and your articles. I’ve also purchased your Lightroom Survival kit. I currently have a Leica M 240 and a Leica MM along with a few lenses. I love shooting with these cameras."
- N. A. (Germany) |
"I bought your Lightroom material. Great stuff!"
- A. F. (USA) |
Leica M10 Lightroom Presets
I released my Lightroom presets for the Leica M10 which deals with how to get great black & white tones from the Leica M10 DNG-files. More here.

New from Thorsten Overgaard:
"Leica Q Masterclass" eBook
"Leica Q Masterclass" Video Course
+ Leica Q
Presets for Lightroom |
Thorsten Overgaard Leica Q Video Course
& The know-all eBook on the Leica Q
By Thorsten Overgaard
+ Leica Q Presets for Lightroom.
This is the complete bundle you can preorder now
at special price. It's a pretty complete package with over two hours of Thorsten Overgaard Leica Q Video Course, and the Leica Q Masterclass eBook..!
For computer, iPad, smartphone and Kindle.
At also comes with Thorsten's Lightroom presets
for the Leica Q.
Buy Now. Only $298.00
Bundle fwith Video Course, eBook and LR Presets
#1570-1216 |
My son likes to work
My son sent me these two photos of him nerding out with welding and engineering work. I didnb't see that coming, but he's totally into taking stuff apart, fixing it and poutting it back together again. He can do (certified) underwater welding as well ...

My son is a nerd...

Welding away. Notice the helmet ... one day we might do a "Sexy stuff for Welding" page!
"Dear Thorsten
I am enjoying your YouTube lectures and website. I have been a Leica shooter for 44 years and have many film and digital cameras."
- A. P. (Vancouver) |

490 pages easy-to-understand
workflow logics, checklists, Styles
and 3+ hours of videos.
Packed with help and tools for all questions on digital photography workflow.
Read more ...
Buy now
Start today

Thorsten Overgaard
Black and White Photography
Editing Color Photographs
Special Effects
Organizing files
Organizing Old Archives
How to do safe backup
Hardware setup
Screens and Calibration
Printing Workflow
Capture One on iPad
Capture One Live
+ Export Formats
+ Free Overgaard Styles
+ Preflight Checklists
The one and only method
The Survivel Kit is the only of it's kind, made by photographers for photographers.
The Brand New June 2022
"Capture One Survival Kit 22"
By Thorsten Overgaard
The complete workflow of Thorsten Overgaard,
made easy with pre-flight checklists and step-by-step instructions on how to set up and use a professional
photo editing software like Capture One Pro.
Laid out in a way that is easy to understand
and everyone can apply. Works for Capture One Pro 22
and all previous versions.
New revised version
This is the most revised version ever of the
best-selling Surival Kit by Thorsten Overgaard. This new
version includes many new chapters, on Capture One on iPad and how to add keywords better, as well as more
than 3+ hours of videos tutorials with
Thorsten Overgaard.
Simple and to-the-point tools on how to use select tools, how to do backup and how to manage and organize pictures archives so they don't get lost and doesn't have to be reorganized again and again.
Expanded and simplified
Also: Specialized first-help chapters on how to
sync your entire photo archive with the smartphone,
how to escape Apple Photos, how to empty photos out
of an iPhone, how to get out of Lightroom CC, what to do with iPad editing ... and more on how to not survive the digital age and perhaps even outsmart it.
Now comes with
Overgaard Leica Styles for FREE
Special black & white conversion, better skintones
and a CMOS sensor color correction.
(Value $48.00. FREE with this kit).
Thorsten Overgaard
Capture One Survival Kit 22.3
For computer, iPad, smartphone and Kindle.
Buy Now
Instant download.
Price $798.00
100% satisfaction or money back.
Released June, 2022.
Compatible with all previous versions.
Simply use
code: "UPDATE22"
Only $298,00

#2131-1222-3 |
Bags and other sexy stuff
I was meeting up with my Italian designer Matteo Perin. He's making some great stuff for me and others. A new backpack is coming up in my design. Stay tuned.

Croc document/photo bag by Matteo Perin, Leica M4 and some funky notebooks from epica.com
Sign up for the next Paris Workshop:

Buy Now. Instant delivery.
New Version 11.3
ONLY $698.00

Now includes
4+ hours of
video tutorials.
100% satisfaction
or 100% refund.
More info.
#2130-1121-3 |
Update to Version 11.3
code "UPDATE113" on checkout to get this complete version 11.3 update.

Updates all previous Surival Kit versions since 2009. |
Buy the complete new
Lightroom Survival Kit 11.3
The Legendary Tutorial for Photographers
Brand-new JUNE 2022-version.
Now with brand-new 4+ hours of video tutorials.
New sections on compostition and storytelling.
How to edit color photos.
How to edit black & white photos.
How to do keywords logical and easy.
The most successful photo editing kit ever
Photographer Thorsten Overgaard first released the Lightroom Survival Kit in 2009 and have honed it with new and fresh updates. This Version 11 is the most radical updated and renewed version ever, four years in the making.

Professional workflow experience made simple, logical and easy to use.
Master editor makes it simple to understand
The Survival Kit is unique and one-of-a-kind being made for photographers for photographers. When someone understands their subject, they can explain it so it is easy to understand. The hallmark of Thorsten Overgaard is to make expert knowledge shown and told in a way so anyone can apply it.
Hands-on advice that works
With a 450 pages workbook and 4+ hours of video, every element of digital photography is touched on, in handy chapters and pre-flight checklists. Editing of color vs black and white photos, keywording, cropping of images, fine-tuning of tones, color balance and color control, export of originals, printing, archiving and backup, and much more.
Comes with the Overgaard Leica Presets (Value $48)
The Lightroom Survival Kit comes with Thorsten Overgaard's special-made Lightroom Presets for all digital cameras and for Leica digital cameras.
Understand all from camera to the final print
Chapters in this version goes over the background for High Dynamic Range (HDR), digital raw files and how to set up a professional photography workflow, from calibrating the screen to editing in Lightroom, and to making a final print. And more ...
10+ years experience in one package
No need to spend years figuring out the smartest way to do things when you can tap into the best way of doing things right here. The workflow of Thorsten Overgaard as been refined through years of field work with more than a thousand workshop attendees.
This method of workflow now used by thousands
The Survival Kit has been taught to thousands in workshops and in this Survival Kit. What does it do? It make you enjoy taking and making photos, and it increases your production considerabely. Most important of all, it'll give you back ownership of your files (which you will understand why is so important, once you have bought the Survival Kit and started applying its methods).
"Thorsten's methodology is perhaps not what hardware-, software- and cloud-companies want us to do, but as a former IT engineer I can only acknowledge his views about preserving our digital heritage. This workflow explained is for me the best I have ever seen".
★★★★★ |
Video tutorials, image files, presets, checklists, definitions, tutorials of Lightroom, that boils down years of experience to a workflow you can implement in less than one day.
Start working in minutes. |
"Thank you for the e-book. I have found it very useful."
- J. T. (South Africa) |