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Leica M Monochrom "Elliott" (Typ 246) digital rangefinder camera - Page 24 - Jose Galhoz interviewed by Walter Leica
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Leica M Monochrom (M 246 "Elliott") Digital Rangefinder Camera - Page 24
Walk in the Mist by Jose Galhoz.

Leica M Monochrom Digital Rangefinder Camera - Page 24

Index of Thorsten Overgaard's user review pages on Leica M9, Leica M9-P, Leica M-E, Leica M9 Monochrom, Leica M10, Leica M10-P, Leica M10-D, Leica M10-R, Leica M10 Monohcrom, Leica M11, Leica M11-D, Leica M 240, Leica M-D 262, Leica M Monochrom 246, Leica SL, Leica SL2, Leica SL2-S, Leica SL3, Leica SL3-S as well as Leica TL2, Leica CL, Leica Q, Leica Q2, Leica Q2 Monochrom, Leica Q3 and Leica Q3 43:
Leica Digital Camera Reviews by Thorsten Overgaard
Leica M11 /M11-P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8                          
Leica M10 / M10-R
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8                          
Leica M 240
P 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44            
M 246 Monochrom 26 27 28 29

Leica M-D 262 1 2                                        
Leica M9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   M9-P
M Monochrom 20 21 22 23 24 25      

Leica SL / SL2 1   3   5 6 7                              
Leica SL3 1                                          
Leica SL3-S
Leiac SL2-S
Leica Q 1                                          
Leica Q2 / Q2M 1                                          
Leica Q3 1 2                                        
Leica Q3 43 APO 1 2 3                                      
Leica TL2 1 2                                        
Leica CL 1 2                                        
Leica D-Lux 8 1                                          


Transistion from Leica IIIc to Leica M 246 Monochrom

By: Walter Leica (aka Walter Pretorius). October 25, 2016.

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Jose Galhoz has been using the Leica IIIc film rangefinder since the beginning of civilization, but now he moved to a digital camera. Walter Leica tries to capture the thoughts and styles of Jose Galhoz in this interview.

In this interview, Jose Galhoz points out that "I think the trick is to have enough theoretical knowledge and then apply it to the practical situation". Admitting to old school and the old ways, he enlightens us on his personal change from Leica IIIc (introduced by Leica in 1933) to the Leica M 246 Monochrom digital rangefinder.

© Jose Galhoz
© Jose Galhoz

Old World Charm

The term “old school” comes to mind. Your pictures speak of “old world charm”. Did any of the old masters have any influence in your work?

Absolutely! It is wise to dig into the roots: those old timers might not have had our technology, but they had time, skills, knowledge, dedication to the art, and they reached levels of perfection we do not see nowadays...!


© Jose Galhoz


After all, both you and I call them "Masters", right? The name of Robert Demachy comes to mind ... but they were many, and they were great artists!!!

Would you dare compare one portrait taken in that by-gone era of a father, or a couple, or their children, with the modern selfies and similar junk?

Would anybody with a little decency and good taste hang one of those modern "portraits" on a wall with the old family ones..?

I think you point the finger in the right direction when you say "old world charm"! Most things nowadays are tasteless, have no soul, break easily, feel plasticky, are disposable, you name it...! Do you think you can you use your Sony or Canon camera in 20 years...?


© Jose Galhoz


Lightroom Survival Kit 6


Now, just think of the smell of that Russian leather bellows ... the softness of the touch of cherry wood or ebony, the fiddling of those brass knobs and gears, the cocking of the shutter ... Now, that's pure photographic pleasure!

So, am I being nostalgic or just plain right? I don’t mind being called "old-fashioned" or "square".


© Jose Galhoz
© Jose Galhoz


We are all nostalgic

The Old Masters (starting with the Pictorialists - the name given to an international style and aesthetic movement that dominated photography during the later 19th and early 20th century) studied composition, perspective, golden proportions, psychology of movement and of static, tones, textures, and contrast. They studied quantity and quality of light and its direction, the focal of the lens and its relation to the subject and the background.


© Jose Galhoz


Nowadays we pay fortunes for lenses with awesome resolution... and then spend hours at the computer trying to get rid of those wrinkles in a woman's face ... and then some more time adding that glow in the skin and a halo around the hair in a backlit situation...

Those old-tech cameras and film would solve the problem the same moment the shutter was fired, right?


© Jose Galhoz



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I know it’s basic at the beginning but it isn't written in a patronizing way. I have been taking photographs for many years and have been lucky enough to be paid to take them for the last seven years; but it's always good to be taken back to the start"

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I think, deep inside, we are all nostalgic, some more assumed than others... And even the camera-makers acknowledge that: If not why have black and white, and sepia options, or, in the most extreme case a sensor working just with luminance (like the Leica M Type 246 for example)?

I'm not against some modern trends and options ... my problem is that most of those "artists" (photographers, singers, whatever...) choose to be "different" because they cannot achieve a minimum of quality with "normal" things...!


© Jose Galhoz
© Jose Galhoz


What in your view constitutes a quality picture?

"Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder" as they say. Is it technical perfection...? The more pixels the better...? The more expensive camera...? Is it compositional perfection...? Tonality...? Hues? And is it only black and white...?
Or is it what suits the mood and the person...? And then you must account for the emotional factor attached to a picture...!

And you must account for the purpose intended for the picture...!

I think I could call a quality picture one when the whole is more than the sum of the parts...!


© Jose Galhoz
© Jose Galhoz





Transforming to digital

You have been taking pictures since the early days with a Leica IIIc Now, crossing the Rubicon from film into the digital world. Was this an easy bridge to cross?

I used to say yes, but now I'm not so sure... In the film era, a good camera would have a life-span of 12 years or more.


Steam boat by Jose Galhoz. Leica IIIc.
Steam boat by Jose Galhoz. Leica IIIc. © Jose Galhoz


Now it's the sensors, the formats, and it's the software that is changing all the time... It is hard to think you would invest a lot of money in a good camera and 1 year later it is "obsolete"

Will the next generation be able to see our photos in 20 year’s time...?

Of course I like the possibility of correcting perspectives in software (as I don’t own a PC or T&S lens) or erasing poles or TV antennas from a picture...

Or to adjust the color temperature to better suit the mood in the picture... Or to eliminate a few wrinkles and make the lady happier...


© Jose Galhoz


Digital photography and computers allow just that, and more easily.

I remember the first (and only time) I asked the owner of the shop I used to visit, to make me a sepia toning... He was a kind person, with an easy laugh, soft voice and lots of health problems.

On Monday he handed me a couple of sepia toned photos, I paid him. As I left the store, he said in a quiet but troubled tone, "Never again ask me to do a sepia toning... My wife threatened me to throw me out of the window and then come and beat you if ever she gets that rotten eggs smell around the house again".

That was my first and last sepia toning from the "chemical era"...!


© Jose Galhoz
© Jose Galhoz

The cameras of Jose Galhoz


Please tell us about your cameras, from the first up to the camera you use at the moment – and your favorite lens.

I can’t remember all of them anymore, but my father lent me a box camera to begin with.

The first camera I bought myself (after having saved money from my Birthday and Christmas for two years) was a Leica IIIc.

It was not just second-hand, more likely 20th hand, so it worked for a while and then the shutter got problems. But by then I was hooked forever with the Leica brand!


© Jose Galhoz


Then came a Zenith, a Praktica, Nikon, Canon, Olympus, Pentax... I can’t remember the sequence anymore, but there were some cameras that left a great impression and I'll never forget:

- Calypso-Phot (underwater camera) had a quirky but interesting design.
- The Nikon F3 I still have.
- Exakta 6x6 I still have, and I still love it!
- Konica Hexar (fabulous little gem).
- Minolta TC-1 (a diamond from outer space).
- Contax GI and then II.
- Leica 6 perhaps the "nec plus ultra" (“nothing further beyond”).


© Jose Galhoz


I never had a Hasselblad 6x6 (sob, sob). Now I have Fuji, a Canon EOS D Mark II and the Leica’s, both in color and the Leica M 246 Monochrom.

Some cameras and lenses are better suited for some purposes than others. I think the trick is to have enough theoretical knowledge and then apply it to the practical situation.


© Jose Galhoz
© Jose Galhoz


The Lightroom Survival Kit


My favorite lenses

Of course I do prefer the 90mm as a portrait lens. If I only have a 21mm I'll have to be very careful with the angle and the distance to the subject – or I'll have to label it as "caricatural portrait", or simply admit a full failure...!

It is hard to say what is my favorite camera and lens, but if I could only keep one I would choose not the most versatile or accurate, but the one which would give me more pleasure in my hobby and produce the results I like best: That would be the Leica M Type 246 Monochrom with the Leica 50mm Noctilux- ASPH f/0.95.
And then the goodies. That would be if I could perhaps drop the 90 and the 35 in the bag also!


© Jose Galhoz


I also like leather-ware like bags, straps and holsters from Fast&Prime (thanks, Mr. Neil).
- Leather straps FG Edition (thanks, Fernando).
- Wotan leather bags (thanks, Wotan Crafters).
- Walter yellow contrast lens for the B&W cameras, very addicting (thanks, Walter).
- JB wood grips. I suggested them to make grips for Leica and one year later they did! (thanks, JB).


© Jose Galhoz




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Highly recommend it."
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★





© Jose Galhoz


Be flexible

Would you say that staying in Portugal, surrounded by the most beautiful scenery has had any influence on your photography?

All places are beautiful, sometimes you just have to look harder; and beauty is not the same everywhere.

But, yes, I've knowledge of comments from foreign people praising our "light" especially in southern Portugal. The good weather is inviting to go out and take pictures.


© Jose Galhoz


The trick is being flexible and not trying to do all things all the time. You have overcast weather: try some flowers, that brings subtle tones and textures. You want high contrast, harsh shadows: Choose a sunny day, and you can play with the polarizer.

Besides, it is not "what you see" but "how you see".


© Jose Galhoz


I am very grateful to some Native friends who are kind enough to let me sit with them and listen to the silence and see beyond.

That tunes my spirit and allows things to be seen in a much more truthful and intimate way. It’s beautiful to see not only the light reflected but the “inner light ,” the one that comes from within. (Thanks Jeffery, Charles & Barbara, Yolanda, Sandy, Joni, Sam, John, Deb, Anne, Sue, Awi, Jens and many others, and the Elders for their Wisdom). Respect! We are all connected.






© Jose Galhoz



Accept what is available

Please share with us your favorite subject to photograph and why?

I usually accept what is available. There are areas I'm not very interested in (like sports), but I might photograph a friend's son’s bike trial or a theater performance.

I like doing landscape and street photography, I like being outside and people can be really very interesting. Portraits are fine if I feel good vibes with the subject.


© Jose Galhoz


All filters are circular

Would you kindly share a tip or two for our young photographers out there?

I would recommend getting to know themselves. What they really like, what they feel comfortable with: What and how they would like to work, and then apply this knowledge to photography.

If you do not like what and how you are doing things, it’s very stressful, and quickly can turn a hobby or a career into nightmare or depression!


© Jose Galhoz


But when you manage to get it right, just don’t give up.

One last tip: Some years ago I went to a shop and asked for a circular polarizer. She answered me that all filters were circular. Never try to explain to such a smart person what you want ... just go to another shop!


© Jose Galhoz
© Jose Galhoz


Photos are all © Copyright by Jose Galhoz. All Rights Reserved.
Article © 2016 Walter Pretorius. Webpage © 2016 by Thorsten Overgaard.


© Jose Galhoz


To be continued ...

More is coming on the Leica M 246 Monochrom camera. Stay tuned. Sign up for the free newsmail to stay in the know.



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Index of Thorsten Overgaard's user review pages on Leica M9, Leica M9-P, Leica M-E, Leica M9 Monochrom, Leica M10, Leica M10-P, Leica M10-D, Leica M10-R, Leica M10 Monohcrom, Leica M11, Leica M11-D, Leica M 240, Leica M-D 262, Leica M Monochrom 246, Leica SL, Leica SL2, Leica SL2-S, Leica SL3, Leica SL3-S as well as Leica TL2, Leica CL, Leica Q, Leica Q2, Leica Q2 Monochrom, Leica Q3 and Leica Q3 43:
Leica Digital Camera Reviews by Thorsten Overgaard
Leica M11 /M11-P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8                          
Leica M10 / M10-R
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8                          
Leica M 240
P 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44            
M 246 Monochrom 26 27 28 29

Leica M-D 262 1 2                                        
Leica M9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20   M9-P
M Monochrom 20 21 22 23 24 25      

Leica SL / SL2 1   3   5 6 7                              
Leica SL3 1                                          
Leica SL3-S
Leiac SL2-S
Leica Q 1                                          
Leica Q2 / Q2M 1                                          
Leica Q3 1 2                                        
Leica Q3 43 APO 1 2 3                                      
Leica TL2 1 2                                        
Leica CL 1 2                                        
Leica D-Lux 8 1                                          


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Above: Walk in the Mist by Jose Galhoz.


Leica reviews by Thorsten Overgaard. LEICA = LEItz CAmera. Founded 1849 in Wetzlar, Germany. Leica logo in photo by Thorsten Overgaard

LEItz CAmera = LEICA
Founded 1849 in Wetzlar, Germany.


Latest Leica M Monochrom Firmware Update


Walter Pretorius aka Walter Leica
Walter Pretorius
is perhaps better known as Walter Leica. He is a contributor to the Thorsten von Overgaard website since 2016 and the man behind eyepieces and a number of accessories for Leica cameras as featured on his website
While he listens to Vivaldi and invent new things for the Leica in his home in South Africa, he also meet a lot of interesting people via e-mail when they send him pictures and questions. Some of those people may be the subjects for future articles.
Feel free to e-mail Walter at


Jose Galhoz
Jose Galhoz



Also visit:

Overgaard Photography Workshops
Books by Thorsten Overgaard
Street Photography Masterclass Video
Adobe Photoshop Editing Masterclass
Adobe Lightroom Survival Kit
Lightroom Presets by Overgaard
Lightroom Brushes by Overgaard
Capture One Survival Kit
Capture One Styles by Overgaard
Photographer's Workflow Masterclass
Signed Original Prints by Overgaard

Von Overgaard Gallery Store
Ventilated Shades by Overgaaard
Leather Camera Straps
Camea Bags
Leather Writing Pads
Sterling Silver Camera Necklace

Leica Definitions
Leica History
Leica Lens Compendium
Leica Camera Compendium

Leica 21mm Super-Elmar-M ASPH f/3.4
Leica 21mm Super-Angulon f/3.4
Leica 28mm Summilux-M ASPH f/1.4
Leica 35mm Summilux-M ASPH f/1.4
Leica 35mm Summicron-M ASPH f/2.0
Leica 35mm APO-Summicron-M f/2.0
Leica 40mm Summicron-C f/2.0
Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95
Leica 50mm APO-Summicron-M f/2.0
Leica 50mm Summicron-M f/2.0
ELCAN 50mm f/2.0
Leica 50mm Summilux-M ASPH f/1.4
Leica 50mm Summilux-M II f/1.4 (2025)
7artisans 50mm f/1.1
Leica 75mm Summilux-M f/1.4
Leica 75mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/1.25
7artisans 75mm f/1.25
Leica 80mm Summilux-R f/1.4
Leica 90mm APO-Summicron-M f/2.0
Leica 90mm Summilux-M f/1.5
Leica 35-70mm Vario-Elmarit-R f/2.8
Leitz Cine lenses
Leica L lenses
Leica 50mm Summicron-SL f/2.0
Leica 35mm Summilux-TL f/1.4

Leica M6
Leica M12
Leica M11-D
Leica M11-P
Leica M11
Leica M11 Monochrom
Leica M10
Leica M10-P
Leica M10-R
Leica M10-D
Leica M10 Monochrom
Leica M9, M9-P and Leica ME
Leica M9 Monochrom
Leica M 240
Leica M 240 for video
Leica M 262
Leica M-D 262
Leica M 246 Monochrom
Leica SL 601
Leica SL2
Lecia SL2-S
Lecia SL3
Lecia SL3-S
Panasonic Lumix S1R
Hasselblad 907X
Hasselblad CFV 100C digital back
Hasselblad XPan
Leica R9 dSLR
Leica / Kodak/ Imacon DMR digital back
Leica Q
Leica Q2
Leica Q2 Monochrom
Leica Q3
Leica Q3 43 APO
Leica D-Lux 8
Leica D-Lux 7
Leica CL
Leica TL2
Leica Sofort
Leica S medium format
Leica X
Leica D-Lux
Leica C-Lux
Leica V-Lux>
Leica Digilux
Leica Digilux 1
Leica Digilux Zoom
Leica Digilux 2
Leica Digilux 4.3
Leica Digilux 3
Leica Digilux 1

Light metering
White Balance for More Beauty
Color Meters
Screen Calibration
Which computer to get
Sync'ing photo archive to iPhone
The Story Behind That Picture
"On The Road With von Overgaard"

Von Overgaard Masterclasses:
/ M10 / M9 / M240 / Q / Q2 / Q3 / SL2 / SL3 /TL2 /





Overgaard Photo Workshops







Thorsten Overgaard
Thorsten von Overgaard is a Danish-American multiple award-winning photographer, known for his writings about photography and Leica cameras. He travels to more than 25 countries a year, photographing and teaching workshops to photographers. Some photos are available as signed editions via galleries or online. For specific photography needs, contact Thorsten Overgaard via email.

You can follow Thorsten Overgaard at his television channel

Feel free to email to for questions, advice and ideas.










Join a Thorsten Overgaard
Photography Workshop

I am in constant orbit teaching
Leica and photography workshops.

Most people prefer to explore a
new place when doing my workshop.
30% of my students are women.
35% of my students dotwo or more workshops.
95% are Leica users.
Age range is from 15 to 87 years
with the majority in the 30-55 range.
Skill level ranges from two weeks
to a lifetime of experience.
97% use a digital camera.
100% of my workshop graduates photograph more after a workshop.

I would love to see you in one!
Click to see the calendar.

St. Louis   Chicago

Hong Kong


New York






Washington DC











San Francisco



Los Angeles



Las Vegas



Santa Barbara

Kuala Lumpur


Santa Fe















São Paulo



Rio de Janeiro



Cape Town

Saint Petersburg


Tel Aviv
































Reykjavik   Portugal
Roadtrip USA   Milano


Thorsten Overgaard photo workshops and masterclasses for Leica photographers and digital photographers







Buy eBooks by
Thorsten Overgaard
"A Little Book on Photography"   "A Little Book on Photography"
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"The Leica Q Know-All eBook"  
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"Finding the Magic of Light"   "Composition in Photography - The Photographer as Storyteller"
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"The Freedom of Photographic Expression"   "The Moment of Emptional Impact"
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The Portrait Book
How to Make People Beautifu
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Preorder: The Noctilux Masterclass
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Extension Courses
The New Photography Extension Course"   "New Inspiration Extension Course"
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Survival Kit 11


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Video Classes


This is Street Photography

  Street Photo

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Leica Q2

  "Leica Q Video Masterclass"
Leica Q

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"Leica TL2 Quick-Start Video Course"
Leica TL2
Video Course
  "Leica Q Video Masterclass"
Leica M9
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"Leica M10 Video Masterclass"   "Leica M 240 Video Masterclass"
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Lightroom Presets
Lightroom Presets Leica M10   Lightroom Presets Leica M9
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Lightroom Presets Leica TL2   Lightroom Presets Leica Q
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Lightroom Dutch Painters Presets by Thorsten Overgaard   Leica Presets for Lightroom by Thorsten Overgaard
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"Hollywood Film Presets"
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Hemingway Presets for Lightroom by Thorsten Overgaard
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201 Lightroom Presets
+ 4 Export Presets
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Capture One Styles:
"Capture One Pro Survival Kit"
Capture One
Survival Kit 22
  Leica Styles for Capture One by Thorsten Overgaard
Leica Styles for
Capture One
  Add to Cart

17 Capture One Styles
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