Leica 180mm APO-Telyt-R f/3.4
Leica 180mm APO-Elmarit-R f/2.8
Leica 180mm Elmar-R f/4.0
Leica 180mm Elmarit-R f/2.8
Leica 180mm APO-Summicron-R f/2.0
By: Thorsten Overgaard. February 2006. Latest update, March 30, 2023
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The 180mm lenses is not some I have spent a lot of time with. The Leica 180mm Summicron-R f/2.0 stands as a dream lens for many, but it's big and heavy - though it fits on a Leica M with a Leica R-M adapter, and can also be refitted to Nikon mount.
The most economical lens in this range is the Leica 180mm APO-Telyt-R f/3.4 which is an excellent lens, and compact too. It sells for around $500 - $100 theses days and while 180mm is not a "natural range" for most Leica users, it's a lens so well made it is tempting to have one. Of course, for the Leica SL it has become more releveant again (using a Leica SL to R adapter). The Leica 180mm APO-Telyt-R f/3.4 was originally designed for the military and then found it's way into the consumer range. It was optimized for use at infinity .

Leica 180mm APO-Telyt-R f/3.4 on the Leica SL Type 601 via T to M adapter and M to R adapter before the Leica SL to R adapter (model no 16 076) came out.

Leica SL 601 with Leica 180mm APO-Telyt-R f/3.4 @ f/4.0, 200 ISO, 1/250 sec.

Closest focusing distance: Leica SL 601 with Leica 180mm APO-Telyt-R f/3.4 @ f/3.4, 200 ISO, 1/500 sec.
Leica 180mm lenses overview
APO-Telyt-R |
APO-Telyt-R |
Black or
Version II
Black 11923 |
APO-Summicron-R "Stubby" |
f/3.4 |
f/3.4 |
f/4.0 |
f/2.8 |
f/2.8 |
f/2.8 |
f/2.0 |
Serial numbers |
2947024 |
Serial 2947024
1975-1988 |
to |
to |
to |
1988 - |
to |
Filter size |
Series 7.5 filters |
E60 filters |
E55 or Series VII with 14225 retaining ring |
Series 8 Filter |
E67 or Series VIII |
E67 filters |
E100 or
Series VI in filter drawer |
Focusing range |
2.5 m
infinity |
1.8 m
infinity |
infinity |
infinity |
infinity |
1.5 m
infinity |
Weight |
750g |
970g |
2500g |
Aperture |
f/3.4-22 |
f/3.4-22 |
f/4.0-22 |
f/2.8 |
f/2.8 |
f/2.8-22 |
f/2.0-16 |
Lens Hood |
Built in |
Built in |
Lens cap |
14289 |
14166 |
14291 |
14291 |
Front cap
14298 |
Designer |
Walter Mandler |
Walter Mandler |
Mandler |
Walter Mandler |
Walter Mandler |
Walter Mandler |
Sample photos |
Douglas Herr |
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Leica SL 601 with Leica 180mm APO-Telyt-R f/3.4 @ f/3.4, 200 ISO, 1/4000 sec.
A couple of 100% crops from the above image:

100% crop from the above image.

100% crop from the above image.
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I teach you the basics of photography in an easy-to-understand and step-by-step way that anyone from age 12 to 90 years can understand and easily apply. This extension course is for everyone from 12-90 years.
The intention with this extension course is to get you going in your photography adventure with lightning speed and inspire you to reach to new heights.
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ITEM #2140-0122 |
Leica 180mm Elmarit-R f/2.8
These pictures below was taken with a Leica 180mm Elmarit-R f/2.8 from 1977 and Leica R film camera in 2003.

At the beach house, July 2003.
R4 with 180
mm Elmarti-R/2.8
[Series I from 1967] @ f. 5.6, Fuji Velvia 50 (scanned on
Nikon Coolscan IV).

At the beach house, July 2003.
Leica R4 with 180
mm Elmarti-R/2.8
[Series I from 1967] @ f. 5.6, Fuji Velvia 50 (scanned on
Nikon Coolscan IV).

At the beach house, July 2003.
Leica R4 with 180
mm Elmarti-R/2.8
[Series I from 1967] @ f. 4.0, Fuji Velvia 50 (scanned on
Nikon Coolscan IV).
comparison here is some pictures made with the Nikkor

Oliver dancing break-dance at the beach house,
July 2003.
Nikon F3 HP with 135
mm Nikkor/2.8
@ f. 5.6, Fuji Velvia 50 (scanned on Nikon Coolscan IV).

Caroline & Oliver at the beach house,
July 2003.
Nikon F3 HP with 135
mm Nikkor/2.8
@ f. 8.0, Fuji Velvia 50 (scanned on Nikon Coolscan IV).
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