By: Thorsten Overgaard. March 24, 2016
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The Thorsten Overgaard Scholarship is for anyone who is a return student or a young talent, or anyone who really want to attend the Overgaard Workshop but can't afford the normal price.
It's a Wonderful Thing
I like to support anyone who is ambitious and serious about their photography.
Any of my scheduled workshops are open for application and the usual reduced scholarship fee is 50% of the normal price.
If there is free space in the workshop you like to attend, and you fall under the scholarship, you will be admitted with 50% reduction. In rare cases the workshop is free,
As in any Overgaard Workshop and Overgaard Masterclass, the participants pay is their own transportation and accommodation.
How to apply
Send an e-mail to You can e-mail with a few lines.
I don't need much information to get the idea, and feel free to suggest any other solution. The scholarship is not made to make the workshop competitive with other workshops. It's mainly made for those who really want to join this workshop but can' afford the normal fee.

Emily Russell (14) at the Overgaard Workshop in 2013