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The Story Behind That Picture: "Workshop in Berlin"

By: Thorsten Overgaard. July 17, 2013.


Berlin is one of the cities in the world I return to to do workshops again and again (next time in August-September 2013). The city is destined to become the center of Germany and Europe in the future, but for now it is an international artist city with still very economical prices on food and rent. I feel those who can dream dreams can help shape what Berlin will become in the future.

Photo by Fatima Salcedo

Of course prices will go up over the next 10-20 years, and of course Berlin will be a established international city with business as usual. That is part of the attraction that drive interst and people to Berlin.

Artists seek to accomplish their artistic goals by being where there is inspiration and where they don't get forced away from their artistic integrety by having to make a lot of money for the basics of life. The artists drive the place and open the eyes of entrepreneurs to develop the place into a neighbourhood that mainstream society eventually will be attracted to. That is the cycle of creating new neighbourhoods. In this case a whole city.


Photo by Martin Wetscher.
The closed airport Flughafen Tempelhof in Berlin has become a large park in the center of the city. Maybe it will stay a large park, maybe it will be developed into skyscrabers. Till further notice people rollerskate, build gardens, arrange events and does picnic on the landing strips where the Americans threw supplies down after World War II.


Someone will have to create the fundament for the future, and Berlin is packed with artists, art galleries, alternative thinkers and entrepreneurs.

My favorite cities in the world for jetsetting and photographing are London New York and Hong Kong ... and Berlin. The first three are similar in that one can best get around by walking about and experience food, cool stores, people, icons and history.


Photo by Fatima Salcedo. A park and graveyard in Berlin ... with a nice espressobar inside.


Berlin is slightly different because it is more open and has a different type of light. Where the infrastructure in London, Hong Kong and New York dictates public transport and walking, Berlin is a city for cars. There is lots of space and one can get around fairly quick compared to the traffic chaos in Bangkok, Los Angeles, London or New York.

It is quite an unusual city, Berlin, in that it does not yet have an international airport and is known as the city of unemployment in Germany. Somehow you know this will all change.

Photographically speaking the city of Berlin offer the East and the West that is still two different worlds, though merging through the Ferrari store and other luxory brands leading tourists from the West to the Karl Marx Strasse in East.

Editing images at the Overgaard Workshop in Berlin (video grab).


For a photographer, the two worlds in one city and the history of architecture and all stretching hundreds of years back, as well as many different neighbourhoods, gives a diversity of opportunities to set a new tone every and each day.

On this page I have mixed some of the photos the workshop did in Berlin in May 2013. Should you wish to experience Berlin for your self, have a look at the Workshop Page Berlin for more info.



Photo by Felix Deorr.

Photo by Sven Barnow. "The Thorsten Overgaard Workshop was really fun, here we are looking for something special in Kreuzberg".

Photo by Felix Deorr. Robin Isabella von Overgaard at Flughafen Tempelhof, Berlin.

Photo by: Jose Antonio Salcedo. Thorsten and Fatima discussing photography.

Photo by Thorsten Overgaard.


Airport turned into a park. Photo by Thorsten Overgaard.

Photo by Thorsten Overgaard.

Sunset outside Cafe Paris in Berlin. Photo by Thorsten Overgaard.

Photo by Thorsten Overgaard.

Photo by Thorsten Overgaard.

Photo by Thorsten Overgaard.

The local mafia wannabee. Photo by Thorsten Overgaard.

Photo by Thorsten Overgaard.

Photo by Thorsten Overgaard.

Photo by Fatima Salcedo.

Photo by Thorsten Overgaard.

Photo by Thorsten Overgaard.

Photo by Andreas Kostka. Martin compsing by the airport.

Photo by Martin Wetscher.

Photo by Thorsten Overgaard.

Photo by Fatima Salcedo.

The espressobar at the graveyeard in Berlin. Photo by Thorsten Overgaard.

Photo by Andreas Kostka. Another photographer goes down to get the right angle ...

Photo by Martin Wetscher.

Lunch break in a cafe in East Berlin (video grab).

Last customers at Cafe Paris in Berlin. Photo by Thorsten Overgaard.

Photo by Fatima Salcedo. Felix on the airfield.

Photo by Thorsten Overgaard.

Photo by Andreas Kostka. Fatima working with the airfield ...

A local artist creating a public garden in the airport. Photo by: Jose Antonio Salcedo. Leica M Monochrom, Leica 50mm APO-Summicron ASPH f/2.0

Photo by Andreas Kostka. Sven working inside a design store.

Photo by Andreas Kostka. Thorsten and Fatima having fun ...

Photo by Andreas Kostka. Thorsten, Jose and Felix editing ...


Thorsten Overgaard Workshops




Thorsten Overgaard



Photo above: The workshop walking on the landing strip of the closed airport, at Flughafen Tempelhof, Berlin. . Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95. © Thorsten Overgaard


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The Story Behind That Picture
"On The Road With von Overgaard"

Von Overgaard Masterclasses:
/ M10 / M9 / M240 / Q / Q2 / Q3 / SL2 / SL3 /TL2 /





Overgaard Photo Workshops



Thorsten Overgaard
Thorsten von Overgaard is a Danish-American multiple award-winning photographer, known for his writings about photography and Leica cameras. He travels to more than 25 countries a year, photographing and teaching workshops to photographers. Some photos are available as signed editions via galleries or online. For specific photography needs, contact Thorsten Overgaard via email.

You can follow Thorsten Overgaard at his television channel

Feel free to email to for questions, advice and ideas.

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