Recently I did my first workshop in Canada. After having recieved three tickets from the highway patrol in the span of just six hours driving from Manhattan to Montreal, things went slightly more stylish and a lot more friendly in Montreal.
Enjoy this short field report from the workshop in Montreal ...

Working inside our cool apartment in Montreal. Photo by Larry Wiedel with Leica M9.
First off in Montreal, the apartment I had rented for the workshop and to stay in, turned out to be a master collection of architecture and even featured a large record collection for free abuse.

Student photo by Douglas Ball of a Helmer Joseph creation in his store in Montreal. Leica M9 with Leica 50mm Summilux-M ASPH f/1.0

Out and about in Montreal. Here it is Douglas Ball in a backyard. Thorsten Overgaard with Leica M9 and Leica 50mm Noctilux-M f/1.0
And when we walked Montreal the first day to shoot portraits and street, we stumbled into the store of former Dior designer Helmer Joseph. He agreed to prepare two dresses for us for the next days model shoot.

Playing around with acessories and styles. Larry Wiedel gets a new look by the help of model Joy.
Photo by Douglas Ball.

Haute Couture designer Helmer Joseph fitting a dress. Leica M9 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M f/1.0
Apart from many intersting sights and contacts we made, we also looked for a location for next days model shoot. We looked at the rooftop of our building, which was unfortunately locked off. But in persuing locations, we stumbled into a neighbor who offered us his studio on the 4th floor. It wasn't exactly what we were looking for, but he knew the fellow with the key, and within 10 minutes we had rooftop access and could get on with our project.
Montreal is just a very friendly city with lots of interesting people and possibilities.

A man walking by in Montreal, shot by Larry Wiedel.

Larry Wiedel and Adrew Silva photographing Joy on the rooftop in Montreal. Leica M9 with Leica 90mm APO-Summicron-M ASPH f/2.0

Student photo by Andrew Silva who adds, "Thanks again for a fantastic workshop – it was a highlight of my summer. Thanks again to Joy, who helped make the workshop an exciting adventure." Leica M9 with Leica 50mm Summilux-M ASPH f/1.4

Student photo by Larry Wiedel. Leica M9 with Leica Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95

Student Photo by Douglas Ball from inside the studio of designer Helmer Joseph. Douglas adds this to the picture, "In every case I converted the images to black and white but with each decided that the color was just too good to throw away. Thorsten; If there was just one valuable thing I took away from the wonderful three days it was you saying that 'every picture must tell a story'. I had never thought of it this way but it is perfectly true and it was these words that helped me make my choices for my preferred three pictures from the workshop."

Detail from the apartment by Douglas Ball.

Joy photographed in the apartment by Douglas Ball who comments on the image, "I just love the pose in this shot. Our model presents a very regal attitude that commands your attention. I also like very much the background blur with the strange little window to her left with light that matches her hair and the out of focus clutter to her right that I actually lightened a bit to help balance the picture. Rather than telling a story this image asks a question to the viewer. Where and what is the setting? It is a curious background and the pose that IMO makes the image work."

Artist drawing by Venessa Sylvester that Larry Weidel had her create based on one of his photos from the Montreal Workshop.

Tourism in Montreal by Andrew Silva.

Our in-house DJ setup operated by Thorsten Overgaard in the evening. It also featured a disco ball ...
Photo by Douglas Ball.

Our model with her own Leica M9 ...

Leica M9 with Leica 90mm APO-Summicron-M ASPH f/2.0
Thorsten Overgaard, October 11, 2012

Buy your own limited editions of one of the other 68 images in The Salzburg Collection
Three of the large ca. 125 x 180 cm edition are sold but there are still 50 x 70 cm editions available numbered x/5 of most images. If interested in this or to recieve the list of all 68 images in "The Salzburg Collection" to see what is available, simply click on the image below or send an e-mail to Karin Kaufmann and Lisa Kutzelnig at
All images are available online with international shipping in 50 x 70 cm signed limited edition silver-based Lambda prints (also known as C-type paper) from Leica Galerie Salzburg: See gallery of images and prices

Article in Salzburger Nachrichten by Eva Pittertschatscher. Click on the image for a PDF version: