I was in Saint Lucia in the last few days and went out on the island in the morning and late afternoon to photograph

That is when the light is the best and the temperature is bearable for walking around town.
As so many Caribbean islands it looks like a paradise from seaside, but when you come closer and take a walk by foot it's usually a different story of worn out houses and streets. And as it is the rule in so many cities around the world, the central areas around bus stations are also where the homeless are.

The basis of all photography is light. It is not electronics or educational papers signed by some authority, not is it a press card. It is about light, and no matter who you are or your level of experience, it is the light that matters.

The more you train, the better you see the light. And if you walk out when the light is low, as in the mornings and the late afternoon, chances for catching some interesting light are better than midday.

In the local church I sneaked in and took photos for some time. A few of the locals noticed, but Pastor Ben certainly did. He had his assistant ask me if I would be so kind to send the photos by e-mail to the pastor. And so I did.

You walk with caution, as you don't really know what the local’s attitude towards tourists and photographers are. For example I photographed this street and the guy says "I hope you did not photograph me" and I simply did not answer but simply said the first thought I had on my mind, "I love your t-shirt" to which he replied "Thanks!" and continued walking.

All photos with Leica M9 and Leica 50mm Noctilux-M f/1.0 using a B&W 8X ND filter (Neutral Density filter).
In the next weeks my travels will go to Barbados, Los Angeles, San Francisco and New Yor.