Working with digital scans of film inspired me to make a handful of Styles that in one-click can beat out the tonality and contrast I want to see. Make 'em pop.
Working with original film, it also inspired me to make a handful of Styles that can make perfect digital images look like they were originally shot on real film.
Work with color, make them into black and white, make the colors look from another age, or add beautiful grain to digital files. That and more you can do with the Overgaard Original Film Styles..
Buy and install, start using them and get fine results. It's very easy to use.
It's a wrap!
Thorsten von Overgaard
Original Film Styles
for CLightroom Classic
Release date:
November 2022
15 Styles/Presets
"Overgaard Original
Lightroom Classic"
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Only $128.00 |
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Item #2179-1122 |
Made to be used with:
Adobe Lightroom Classic
(all versions).
Also available as:
Capture One Film Styles Presets
Compatible with:
Leica M11 sensor
Leica M10-R sensor
Leica M10-P sensor
Leica M10 sensor
Leica M240 sensor
Leica M9 sensor
Leica SL2 sensor
Leica SL sensor
Leica Q2 sensor
Leica Q sensor
Hasselblad X
Canon EOS R sensors
Nikon Z5
Nikon Z9
Nikon Z
Fujifilm XT-5
Fujifilm X series
Sony a7 series sensors
Sony A1