"The Artist's Guide to the Galaxy"
– How to make it as an artist
By Thorsten von Overgaard
The art of hanging around on street corners
(for all ages)
This is the book for you who believe it should
be possible to make a living of your art.
How do you make the art you really want, without losing your integrity, without having to work a day job on the side - and yet making more money than your parents ever thought it would be possible?
Thorsten Overgaard travel to more than 25 countries a year taking photographs and teaching workshops. In a matter of few years he has built a small empire of lifestyle products, online classes, books, photography products, besides being an international photo competition judge. All by being himself and doing it his way.
With a background in business school, having owned an advertising agency, built and sold an internet dot-com before he turned to photography and writing, Thorsten Overgaard reveal in this book how it can be done by you too. "Any artist should make a lot of money," is one of the claims, "because an artist make a product once and sell it many times. That is why artist is esy and well paid, no matter if you photograph, paint, write songs, perform on stage, make comics, write books or whatever you do. Everything you do is so valuable it will sell many times again and again."
Despite all the money and success being in advertising, internet and photography, this book for artist is the real passion of Thorsten Overgaard. If you ever heard him speak or attended one of his "Artist’s Night" around the world, you will know this book can be life-changing.
Highly recommended:
"I have up to now bought almost all of Thorsten's books and enjoyed reading them a lot."
"Very impressive books."
"I can see all the work and passion poured into this book."
"I think that you are one of the greatest photographers of the 21 century."
"I admire and respect Thorsten Overgaard's work so much. He's a master at "painting with light". His photographic work has so much beautiful light. I've learned so much from him. My photography has been influenced and inspired by his teaching and sharing. I feel so much gratitude and appreciation for this opportunity to connect with someone I admire so much."
A passion project through six years
"The Artist's Guide to the Galaxy" has been in the making for years while I have traveled around the world and occasionally invited local artists in an area for an "Artist's Night" where I would tell how you can become a professional artists and make a full-time living of your art. While your dad might have told you, "Being an arstist is not a real job", being an artist is actually the only real job to have. It doesn't feel like work, it is pure passion, it goes in the direction you decide, and it pays really well. Often it has benefits as travels to exotic places, upgrade to the best seats in the theatre, invitations to be the guest of honor at exclusive events, sometimes you even get awarded ... but most importantly, you get to produce something everlasting that you are really proud of. Overall, much better than working in a shoe store.
Some of the content:
How to set the right price on your art.
How to build an archive (why? and what is it?)
How to find the right people and avoid the bad ones.
How to make one piece of art and sell it many times over again.
How to stay out of drugs and away from bad people - it's easy!
Finding your voice as an artist.
Wonder what your purpose is in life? It's right in front of you!
How artist's creates the future.
How to be original and lead the pack.
How to own your own work and set your own price.
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ONLY $398.00

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Item #1841-0623
Release 2023

Thorsten von Overgaard is a Danish-American multiple award-winning photographer, known for his writings about photography and Leica cameras. He travels to more than 25 countries a year, photographing and teaching workshops to photographers.
You can follow Thorsten Overgaard at his television channel magicoflight.tv.
Feel free to email to thorsten@overgaard.dk for questions, advice and ideas.