E43 ventilated lens shade
Ventilated Lens Shade
for Adventurers made for E43 Leica lenses.
Sits on the inside filter thread and incorporates a new unique filter thread on the shade so you can use 46mm filters or 43mm filters.
In stock.
Ships worldwide in 15 - 30 days.
#E43 Shade Black
For Leica lenses with 43mm filter thread.

Black Paint $299 |

E43 Silver ventilated shade
Ventilated Lens Shade
for Adventurers made for E43 Leica lenses.
Sits on the inside filter thread and incorporates a new unique filter thread on the shade so you can use 46mm filters or 43mm filters.
In stock.
Ships worldwide in 15 - 30 days.
#E43 Shade Silver
For Leica lenses with 43mm filter thread.
Silver $299 |

E43 RED ventilated lens shade
Ventilated Lens Shade
for Adventurers made for E43 Leica lenses.
Sits on the inside filter thread and incorporates a new unique filter thread on the shade so you can use 46mm filters or 43mm filters.
In stock.
Ships worldwide in 15 - 30 days.
#E43 Shade RED
For Leica lenses with 43mm filter thread.

RED $299 |

Extra Microfiber Cloths
"Always Wear a Camera" by Thorsten von Overgaard. The ventilated shade always comes with one, bnut if you want extras, order here.
Ships internationally. Usually arrives within ten days.
$39.00 (for two)