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The story of Robin
Robin Isabella Overgaard [Born October 8,2003]
robin [at]

Robin Overgaard
Click on picture for larger view [of our Christmas card 2006-2007]

Robin and Lars having brunch at Emmerys, January 2007 [Leica SL]

Robin in Mindeparken
Robin in Mindeparken, May 2007 [D2].

Robin's first day in the kindergarden, August 2006.

Oliver, Caroline & Robin Isabella Overgaard
Robin with her big brother Oliver and sister Caroline, November 2006

Robin & Maibritt
Robin and mom, June 2006

Kildeskolen i Århus
A shot of Robin from December 2005 is the key photo in a campaign for "Kildeskolen" private school.

Robin Overgaard
Robin August 2005 [Leica Minilux]

Robin getting ready to sail out, June 2005 [Leitz M4]

Robin with Caroline and Oliver at ARoS, June 2005 [Leica R8]

Robin in Copenhagen, May 2005

Robin relaxing, May 2005 [Leica R8].

Dorthe and Robin, July 2005.

Robin in the garden, April 2005 [Leica SL]

Robin and Ms M, May 2005 [Leica R8]

Robin i Mindeparken

Robin i Mindeparken
Robin in Mindeparken 2004 [Leica M4 50mm]

Oliver and Caroline saying hello to Robin at the hospital [R4].

October 2003.

November 2003.

Robin with his aunt Merete at Gran Canaria, January 2004. [Leica R4, 90 mm]

December 2003.

December 2003 at Gran Canaria.

Robin in the studio, January 2004.

March 2004: Robin fighting with another girl at Emmerys [M4].

April 2004 [M4 90 mm].

March 2004 [R4].

Caroline and Robin on the floor of the Aros Art Museum, April 2004 [M4 with 21 mm SA].

April 2004.

May 2004.

May 2004 in the garden.

Robin, June 2004 [D1].

Robin was born October 8, 2003 at 13:05:10 just one hour after the Danish Crown prince engaged his coming wife Mary and the same day Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected Governor of California...

Robin was born a "quiet birth" as described in the book Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard, and by a planned Ceasar.

Here she is, a scan taken the 22 April 2003. Experts say she will have long legs. They turned out to be right we now know.



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