Zoe Cornelius Overgaard [July 29, 1996]
Caroline is 14 minutes older than her twin brother Oliver.
caroline [at]

Caroline & Daniel, July 2007

Caroline in the corn field, April 2005 [SL]

Caroline with her brother Oliver and sister Robin, November 2006

Caroline playing with LEGO at ARoS art museum, February 2005 [D1]

Caroline, August 2005 [Leica M4, 90mm]

Caroline being thoughful, June 2004 [M4]

Caroline about to win a drawing contest (thought she didn't know yet), August 2004 [D1].

Caroline at ARoS art museum, April 2004, looking at Hammershøi painting [M4]

photographed in the studio, February 2004 [D1]

Thorsten and Caroline in the studio [D1]

Caroline and Thorsten waiting for Maibritt trying ladies wear, August 2001 [Minilux]

Caroline's first e-mail, March 2004.

Caroline taking a snap of her brother Oliver, November 2004.

Caroline likes all sorts of small animals and has no fear
... [Minilux]

Caroline with a blackbird that needed a new mother, June 2003

Caroline with a frog, August 2003 [D1]

Caroline running in the garden, July 2003 [F3]

Caroline with the Bambi, August 2002 [Minilux]

Caroline in school for the first time... [Minilux]

Carolione with her best friend, Julie whom she met in the
kindergarten. They have been on holidays together and stays
together a lot of the time [F3]

Caroline got her hair fixed, August 2002

Caroline thinking about life a rainy day at Lido de Spina
in Italy, July 2002 ... [Minilux]

Portrait taken in Ferrarer, Italy in July 2002 [Minilux]

Sleeping in the train ... [Minilux]

Oliver and Caroline in Copenhagen 2001 with their viking helmets

Caroline in Copenhagen 2001 [Minilux]

Caroline in the airport June 2003 [D1]

Caroline sleeping, 4 December 2000 [Canon S20]

Oliver and Caroline in the studio, February 2004 [D1]

Caroline few months old - loving the camera... [F3]
was born 29th July 1996 at 17:50 in Århus, Denmark.
Her twin brother Oliver was born 14 minutes later.