
I sent this email to all on my mailing list, but I actually wrote it for you.

Join the Overgaard photo workshop in Austin (February 1-3, 2025) and enjoy a special price of only $1,850.00. Simply mail me back by replying to this email for reservation and signup, or sign up right now using this payment link (PayPal, Visa, MasterCard and American Express accepted).

I'll make this mail short so you can get on with signing up. I think that it's a good time to get out and about with your camera, and Austin TX offer a lot of things the camera likes: Cozy streets, parks, architecture, music and an atmosphere of optimism and expansion. I'm excited!


Congress Avenue in Austin. (1941)


Austin - This is where our three-day Overgaard photo workshop takes place for a small group of Leica photographers and digital photographers of all ages.


A photograph is the world seen through the artist's soul

There is something only you have, and I am on a worldwide trail to help you find it. If Austin works for you, there is where it happens. 

What you have, and only you, is you. Through the Overgaard workshop we explore and dig out the uniqueness of being you, and the result will be good art that could only be made by you. As simple as that. You will get a living proof that even the others in the workshop have many things in common with you, none of them are like you, and none of them are the same.

The Overgaard Workshop is a mix of street walking, cozy moments hanging out on street corners, having a coffee break and talk about life, enjoying quiet places in the city, indoor photo editing, critique, portrait photography on location – and the always unexpected that occurs when you meet life and people in a city.

To sign up now for the Austin Workshop February 1-3, 2025, use this payment link. (PayPal, Visa, MasterCard and American Express accepted)


Austin, Texas by Thorsten von Overgaard
The Magnolia Cafe in Austrin. © Thorsten Overgaard

Three days of photographing, in Austin TX. © Thorsten Overgaard.



The Overgaard Workshop Experience
"At first I didn't realize what I had learned. The editing, and especially the portrait shooting, brought me a lot. In addition, the workshop gave me something new. I dared to submit a picture to a street art contest! The picture has now been chosen for an exhibition along with fourteen others. Thank you for your influence and the inspiration of your books."
M. K. (Berlin 2022 class)


The workshop was a blast
"Thank you for the time in Atlanta. It was a blast. It was a great time. I learned so much."
G. B. (Atlanta class)


Good company
"It was a pleasure to work with you and to be in your company. Thanks also for the many learning points and for the good company of my fellow students."
D. G. (London class)


Learning courve 400%
"I cannot tell you how much i enjoyed this weekend and it was a pleasure to meet you.
We had fun in this small group and I enjoyed the whole experience, and the learning curve was 400%"

W. B. (Dubai class)


I found a new conviction in my photography
"Just want to thank you for the workshop in Los Angeles. When I signed up nine months in advance, I was very down when it comes to my photography. I know I like making images, but I didn’t know what for – why am I making all these images? I found my answers after attending your workshop. I’m doing this for myself, and not for anyone else. After the workshop, I also bought a couple of your books which I read from start to finish. The one in particular that resonated with me is your 'Composition in Photography' book. It reinforces a lot of what I just realized during the workshop, as to why I’m doing all this. Your writing is very positive. Now I have found a new conviction in my photography. And for that, I thank you very much! I look forward to the next workshop that I can attend, and to more of your books.”
C. B. (Los Angeles class)


I got my enthusiasm for photography back ... Just like that

"Back home from the workshop, I wanted to thank you for the London Workshop.
In your publicity material you say, 'My goal is to instill enthusiasm in any photographer and raise his or her skill level, self-confidence and production volume. And I do'.
Well, you did! It was a great pleasure."

R.H. (London 2024 class)


The Leica Bubble
"It was really great getting together with you and be in the Leica-bubble for a few days.
I liked the relaxed atmosphere and learning from the group".

B. K. (Berlin class)

In the footsteps of a Master of photography ...
"A common mistake when you fall in love with photography, is to think that buying gear will bring you talent. Not so. When you're serious about photography, you need to devote quite a few hours, a couple days, to learn the craft by observing from someone who has honed his own craft for decades, like Thorsten Overgaard.
I had the chance to be in the footsteps of Thorsten, during a street photography workshop he organized in Paris, and it really opened my eyes on how to have the proper look through my freshly bought (used) Leica. 
It is the kind of experience that "sticks" with you later, for hours of photographic pleasure. Not only did I learn about the technique but I was able to pick up almost on a philosophical level, an appreciation of life & light that is part and parcel of the craft of true Masters."

R. S. (2021 Paris class)



Doing portraits in the workshop (here in Atlanta). © Thorsten Overgaard.

One of the exciting things in an Overgaard Workshop (that you didn't expect) is the portrait photography part. A few hours where you get your personal crash course in working close with a living person in front of the camera, and how to master the technical perfection of a photo using reflector, light meter, color meter, and how to time the exact right moment to capture the soul of another person. You might also get to experience being in front of the camera, if you like.


Leica M11 with Leica 50mm Noctilux f/0.95 FLE. © Thorsten Overgaard.
"Thank you for the time in the workshop. It was a blast. It was a great time. I learned so much." Greg Blackmon.

Read more about the program
Visit the "Overgaard Photo Workshop Austin TX" website for the program and details.


Austin not your thing?
Check out the other workshops at workshops.thorsten-overgaard.com



The haunted hotel in Austin, The Driskill.


Austin. © Thorsten Overgaard.


Thorsten Overgaard in Austin a few years ago, photo by Alan-Riordan.