The pictures
on this page was taken solely with Leica 90 mm Summicron-R
Serial no 2811445, produced 1977

Confirmation portrait. This photo session was done with both the 90mm Summicron-R f/2.0 ö f/2.0 (above photo) and the 35-70mm Vario-Elmarit-R f/2.8 @ 2.8 on the R8/DMR. 200 ISO, RAW conversion in Lightroom 2.0. Click here to see the counterpart in the 35-70mm Vario-Elmarit-R f/2.8 site.

Kira dancing, for bus ads, February 2004
R4 with 90 mm Summicron-R f:2.0 @ 2.0 on 100 ISO Fuji Astia
(Scanned on Nikon Coolscan IV). Studio flash.

The cousing Zishan Ali and Wasim Khohar, Copenhagen, September 2005
For an article on education and integratin in the Another World magazine.
R8 with 90mm Summicron-R F/2.0 @ 2.4 o 100 ISO Fuji Astia (Scanned on Hasselblad/Imacon Flextight Photo). Available light plus 100 cm Ø silver reflector.

Mr. Hansen, June 2004 for Clear magazine
R4 with 90 mm Summicron-R f:2.0 @ 2.0 on 100 ISO Fuji Astia
(Scanned on Nikon Coolscan IV). Available light (tube above,
window to the left)

Threse of restaurant "Emmerys Arabica" for The Entrepreneur, October
R4 with 90 mm Summicron-R f:2.0 @ 2.0 on 100 ISO ISO Fuji
Astia (Scanned on Nikon Coolscan IV). Available light.

Theresa of erstaurant "Emmerys Arabica" for The Entrepreneur, October
R4 with 90 mm Summicron-R f:2.0 @ 4.0 on 100 ISO ISO Fuji
Astia (Scanned on Nikon Coolscan IV). Available light.

Caroline cleaning in the kitchen, October 2003
R4 with 90 mm Summicron-R f:2.0 @ 2.0 on 100 ISO Fuji Reala
(Scanned on Nikon Coolscan IV)

Baby being fed by mother, October 2003
R4 with 90 mm Summicron-R f:2.0 @ 2.0 on 100 ISO Velvia (Scanned
on Nikon Coolscan IV)

Sleeping by mothers chest, October 2003
R4 with 90 mm Summicron-R f:2.0 @ 2.0 on 100 ISO Fuji Velvia
(Scanned on Nikon Coolscan IV

Caroline in the garden, October 2003
R4 with 90 mm Summicron-R f:2.0 @ 2.4 on 200 ISO Fuji negative
film (Scanned on Nikon Coolscan IV). Available light.

Mikkel in Copenhagen, February 2004
R4 with 90 mm Summicron-R f:2.0 @ 2.0 on 50 ISO Fuji Velvia
(Scanned on Nikon Coolscan IV). Available light (placed in shadows from a large building with sunset over Copenhagen reflecting into the face).

Lars for bus poster and ads, January 2004
R4 with 90 mm Summicron-R f:2.0 @ 8.0 on 100 ISO Fuji Velvia
(Scanned on Nikon Coolscan IV). Studio flash light.

Maibritt in November 2003
R8 with 90 mm Summicron-R f:2.0 on 100 ISO Fuji Astria slide
film (Scanned on Nikon Coolscan IV)

Caroline in November 2003
R8 with 90 mm Summicron-R f:2.0 on 100 ISO Fuji Astria slide
film (Scanned on Nikon Coolscan IV)

Deer in the woods by Århus, December 2003
R4 with 90 mm Summicron-R f:2.0 on 100 ISO Fuji Astria slide

Las Fredo in Puerto Rico, Gran Canaria, December
R4 with 90 mm Summicron-R f:2.0 on 100 ISO Fuji Astria slide

CUBA apartment hotel in Puerto Rico, Gran
Canaria, December 2003
R4 with 90 mm Summicron-R f:2.0 on 100 ISO Fuji Astria slide

Kira, February 2004
R4 with 90 mm Summicron-R f:2.0 @ f:8.0 on 100 ISO Fuji Astria slide film. Studio flash system.
February 2004
R4 with 90 mm Summicron-R f:2.0 @ 8.0 on 100 ISO Fuji Astria
slide film. Flash system.

Kira, May 2004
R4 with 90 mm Summicron-R f:2.0 @ 8.0 on 100 ISO Fuji Astria
slide film. Flash system.

Kira, May 2004
R4 with 90 mm Summicron-R f:2.0 @ 8.0 on 100 ISO Fuji Astria
slide film. Flash system.

Kira, May 2004
R4 with 90 mm Summicron-R f:2.0 @ 8.0 on 100 ISO Fuji Astria
slide film. Flash system.