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August 2007
Tall Ships' Races 2007 with Bryan Adams and Thomas Helmig

1. Thorsten's slideshows from the Tall Ships' Races 2007 has been selected as "link of the week" at the Aarhus City portal The slideshows has been seen by 7,000 in July and are - as can be seen - still going strong.

3. Thorsten was photographing the Royal Danish Family at Gråsten Slot.

Royal Danish family
Princess Benedikte of Denmark, Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, Princess Mary of Denmark and Prince Frederick of Denmark with the newborn Princess Isabella and Prince Christian. Link to the full photoseries at WireImage here.

Thorsten covered Copenhagen Fashion Week 2007 (CFW 07) for WireImage and Gety Images.

The complete series can be seen at Getty Images here:
Copenhagen Fashion Week SS 08 - August 8 - DAY 1
Copenhagen Fashion Week SS 08 - Augsut 9 - DAY 2
Copenhagen Fashion Week SS 08 - August 10 - DAY 3

Also, click to see the SLIDESHOW here:
Copenhagen Fashion Week soundslide

Danmarks Designskole afgangselever
Danmarks Designskole graduates show, August 8, 2007.

By Malene Birger
Malene Birger catwalk, August 10, 2007.

By Malene Birger
Malene Birger catwalk, August 10, 2007.

Baum und Pferdgarten
Baum und Pferdgarten show at Statens Museum for Kunst, August 9, 2007.

Prinsesse Mary af Danmark til Baum und Pferdgarten modeshow
Princess Mary at the Baum und Pferdgarten catwalk, August 9, 2007

Niels & Klaus
Niels & Klaus at the Forum fair.

DAY Birger et Mikkelsen
DAY Birger et Mikkelsen caltwalk (triple exposures), august 10, 2007

16. We celebrated Caroline and Oliver's 11th year birthdays with pancakes and friends visiting.

18. Heidi and Lars got married at the Aarhus City Hall.

Say yes
Yes, I do...

Cille, Heidi, Lars and Mads

A first kiss as a married couple - with rice in the hair
A first kiss as a married couple - with rice in the hair

The exitement was simply too much for Cille - who fell a sleep...

Robin the gymnast
Robin testing her new gymnastic outfit in the garden...

25. We went to te Århus Friskole open house to see the school.

Århus Friskole, a music school where the kids learn to play instruments and perform during normal schooltime.

Taron Lexton, a young director with TXL Films in Los Angeles, has done 21 great PSA's (Public Service Announcements). Have a look at this one called "Be Competent"...

Click here to view the other 20 Public Service Announcements by Taron Lexton




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