"One-on-one hours with
Thorsten Ovegaard"
You can now again buy single hours, or go for "10 Hours with Thorsten Overgaard" for personal tutoring in person, on Skype/Zoom or phone, working on the photography projects closest to your hearth.
The range of possibilities are one-on-one in the city with the camera, working in the printing studio in Clearwater, with a combination of online project calls on workflow, editing, building a portfolio, making of books and exhibitions.
Feel free to email Adam for details and questions, or simply acquire the hours you need below and start planning your project with Thorsten Overgaard directly.
10 Hours with Thorsten $7,000
One-on-one in the city $5,000 (10am-5pm)
3 hours with Thorsten $2,400
1 Hour with Thorsten $800
"Ten hours with Thorsten"
tutoring classes
Acquire from 1 to 10 hours here:
Please e-mail
for more info.
Photographed by Thorsten Overgaard: Sometimes the one-on-one is combined with photographing your family or your company.
Whenever possible, there is one-on-one help for editing, finding your style, etc also in the Overgaard Thorsten Overgaard Workshop.
Learning photography and workflow with Thorsten Overgaard
There are many reasons to do one-on-one: It's just the way you do things, and even you could get a three day workshop for less, you don't care. Or everybody knows your name and you want to do make your own photos and not pose for selfies with people who loved your last movie (even you're a musician). I personally like the dynamic of the workshop format and have had both world-famous people participate and enjoying the privacy of a small group, and I've had people who "never liked groups and other people" enjoy it so much they signed up for one more workshop. I'm just sayin' as a sort of a disclaimer, but when that's said, we get stuff done in one-on-one, and in some areas of life, that's how I get down to the business of things myself: I hire an expert to make me an expert in few hours because I don't have time to learn it the hard way with classes and books.
How it goes: Thorsten plans the program based on initial talks/mails about what you need and want to go over. He will plan it out so you get to get around the things that he see is necessary to get you where you want to be at.
Feel free to email Adam for questions and more info.
Where it is done: One-on-one is often in New York City but can be anywhere in the world where our roads crosses, or where you want to fly Thorsten Overgaard to meet.
In the studio in Clearwater FL: Working with Thorsten out of the studio in Clearwater FL gives the possibility to work with printng and the facilities in his own space, and to work on-and-off hours over some days in studio and walking the cities of Tampa and St. Petersburg nearby (while you and the family enjoy the best beaches in the US).

Thorsten Overgaard one-on-one on editing photos in Capture One in Silicon Valley.

Editing in New York

Thorsten Overgaard one-on-one photography in New York (Leica Q2 user).

Thorsten Overgaard one-on-one in New York for Noctilux user who flew in from Jakarta.

Thorsten Overgaard one-on-one
in New York for Leica Q2 user.

Thorsten Overgaard one-on-one
in Manila for a Leica M user.

Thorsten Overgaard doing one-on-one in Qatar for a Leica user (film and digital color and monochrom).

Thorsten Overgaard one-on-one in New York for Leica user.