Is this for you?

Looking for excellence in photography, doing it simple, effective and the right way, being able to see and manage the magic light?
The main purpose of the extension course is to make you and not the camera the photographer. This implies that after the course you will know exactly which camera is the right tool for you and how to use it.
Those days where you went into a photo shop to buy "a camera that takes good pictures" will be over.
You as a person will know how to take great pictures with any camera.

A familiar situation: Some times it works, some times it doesn't. The course answers why and puts you in control of it.
The basics and the history
We go over all the basics of photography from early history to the ins and outs of today's advanced cameras and end up with a simple understanding of how photography is basically about light - and how to control it.

Student photo by Michael Juffart.
It's fun when you know how
This of course will affect your enthusiasm for photography, as well as your ambitions as a photographer. But mainly you will be able to focus your talent on what is in front of the camera. I've had semi-pro photographers turn professional after the course, but everyone who attends will grow and become more active with better results.
Who can benefit from this?
The people who attend the course are all ages - and range from professional working photographers to keen amateurs, to people who have just recently taken up the interest of photography again and now want to get updated on digital technology. Also a great many has as part of their job also to take photographs now and then, and this course is perfect for this.
Filling in the things you don't know
We start from the basics and up. Because while we don't want to admit it, we all have blind spots and misunderstandings in the field of photography. That goes for professionals and amateurs, and we fill those blind spots with knowledge and certainty.
On top of that we add tricks and know-how you can use immediately to improve your photography.
Specially tailored
for Leica users and digital photographers
Each student works individually why you can work fast or slow and even go on holiday between sections.
The course starts as soon as you have signed up and paid.

You can ask questions
You can ask any question that is relevant for your current level of photography. And questions and doubts that arise during the assignments can be addressed.
Working with light
The Extension Course
take off in the fact that "all photography has to do with light," which will turn out to be a large enough truth to keep you occupied for a while – because light exist in different colors, strengths and comes from many sources.
Focusing on what's on important
The extension course will make it easy to see which parts in photography is essential , and which are cool, but not even remotely essential.
One of the tricks is that the extension course covers all the stuff you thought you knew about, or you thought that the camera or your computer did automatically.
In other words, there will be things to learn and be surprised about.

How to make pictures that work
Composition is just one part of making great pictures, and it ties into timing, prediction, framing and rhythm as well as light. And we'll look at how to produce filmic storytelling in a single image.
What you can do with your talent
We will also cover the message and language of photography, your goals as a photographer and your responsibilities as a communicator and artist.
It will all make sense
The many questions that open up during the extension course - such as which camera you should use, what type of lenses, if you do things right, if you should choose a rangefinder camera or a SLR - well, those and many other questions will fall in place.

Student photo by Charles Grant.
Price 798$
Only $798.00

Buy now. Instant delivery.
330 pages on inspiration and
one-on-one with
Thorsten von Overgaard
ITEM #1708-2016 |
There has been a waiting list for this course for the last two years. The NEW Thorsten von Overgard Photography Extension Course is a redesign that allow me to have more students.
Note: If you are incomplete on the Overgaard Extension Course (2010) you may enroll on this new course for free. Simply e-mail me and ask for The New Overgaard Extension Course (2016). |

What you need:
A camera and a computer.

Light as a concert hall


Light sources

Working with aperture

Light meters

Monochrome tones

History of photography

Editing tools
Thorsten Overgaard

Thorsten von Overgaard is a Danish-American multiple award-winning photographer, known for his writings about photography and Leica cameras. He travels to more than 25 countries a year, photographing and teaching workshops to photographers. Some photos are available as signed editions via galleries or online. For specific photography needs, contact Thorsten Overgaard via email.
You can follow Thorsten Overgaard at his television channel
Feel free to email to for questions, advice and ideas.

Doing practical assignment during the evening photo seminar in Fitzroy Street, London (Photo by Felix Kunze). You can read more about the "live" seminars here.
What people say about the Overgaard Extension Course:
"My wife gave me this course and I absolutely love it. Now I think more in light and shadows. Used a lot of the techniques on a recent trip and
my photos have improved a lot. Well done, Thorsten!"
S.N. (Mexico)
"I am happy with my purchase of the extension course. Well written, easy to understand"
K.D. (USA)
“I very much enjoy the incredible knowledge”
V.V. (United Kingdom)
"Addictive, beautifully and simplistically written. Just amazing. Cleared my concepts"
V.P. (USA)
"The extension course is the best course I read about photography (and I'm still at the beginning)"
M.S. (Luxembourg)
"I'm already in page 81 of the Extension Course, and your communication and words provoked a change in me at an aesthetic level that I felt but I couldn't explain"
C.L. (USA)
This is the course that gets so many into the real mindset of making photographs and making it all simple and beautiful! Here's some of the comments I've gotten back:
"It's addictive, beautifully and simplistically written. Just amazing. It cleared my concepts."
From V.P., USA.
"The extension course is the best course I read about photography (and I'm still at the beginning)"
From M.S., Luxembourg
"Well written, easy to understand."
From K.D., USA
"Your communication and words provoked a change in me at an aesthetic level."
From C.L., USA
"This is what I was waiting for - as I looked over chapter titles I can say this will be an exciting course to take."
From R.P., Germany
"I very much enjoy the incredible knowledge."
From V.V., UK
"I couldn't stop reading it and will certainly re-read it often. Most interesting is your very personal view on photography in which you go to the essence."
From J.L., Belgium
"I always enjoy your writing. I have been in this business for many years. Yet I "always" get something from your interesting pieces."
From K.W., USA