The Overgaard Photo Seminar 
The first part of the seminar is one evening and takes off in the fact that "all photography has to do with light," which will turn out to be a large
enough truth to keep us occupied for a while – because light exist in different colors, strengths and comes from many sources.
The seminar will make it easy to see which parts in photography are essential, and which are cool, but not even remotely essential. Also, which camera should you choose - and how do you gain enough control over a camera to produce the pictures, you learn on this seminar, that you can in fact take?
DAY 1: We start the first day at 18.00 and continue to around 23.00. The first evening is in our seminar location where we go over camera theory, photography history, the rather important basics to understand the essence of photography, and we usually have a lot of equipment and lenses floating around on the table.

Doing practical assignment during the evening photo seminar in Fitzroy Street, London (October 2009).
DAY 2: We go out as a group the next day (usually 6-9 persons). We cover small places, large squares, people in the street, portrait photography, use of lightmeters and available light with reflectors, how to get the white balance right, how to go about unnoticed ... and we stop for coffee, lunch, more coffee, and then dinner for those who can join.

Seminar in Berlin, February 2010
DAY 3: We meet in the morning and start with workflow theory. How do you set up computers, harddrives, backup, color management, systems to archive and find images, and then we edit the photos from the day before in Lighrroom or Aperture.
We select the best and do reviews as a group, and after lunch we do portrait photography and advanced theory (the Overgaard Advanced Workshop takes off where we leave here; in the advanced theory).

London, December 2009
The seminars tend to be new networks as we share the same passion in photography, and the participants usually have quite a lot more in common than just photography.
Your own camera:
In reality, you can do this seminar without your own camera, but do you own one or more cameras, then bring them, because we often stumble into things on specific cameras, that can be solved at once. On top of that, there's plenty of gear to look at, so as to get an idea of what we're talking about.
in fact, don't go buy a new camera for the seminar if you're in doubt. After the seminar you will know a lot more about which camera suits you.
The majority of attendees tot he seminars tend to be Leica shooters, and those who aren't, tend to become. Then you're warned!

Copenhagen, August 2007
How to sign up today: Send an e-mail to or call
tel. (+45) 8870 7300 to ask for space, price and reservation.
Dates: See the Overgaard Seminar Calendar 2011-2012 for dates in Moscow, Dubai, New York, Los Angeles, Dallas, Berlin, London, Barcelona, Malmö, Oslo, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Cape Town, Sydney, Beijing and more ...

New York seminar, March 2010
If you are unable to attend a "live" seminar, check out the new Extension Course.

In September-October 2011. Send an e-mail for further information on availability and price, or check the seminar calendar.
February-March in 2012.Send an e-mail for further information on availability and price, or check the seminar calendar.
February-March in 2012.Send an e-mail for further information on availability and price, or check the seminar calendar.
Expected to be in 2012. Send an e-mail for further information on availability and price, or check the seminar calendar.
September 2011. Send an e-mail for further information on availability and price, or check the seminar calendar
June 2011. Send an e-mail for further information on availability and price, or check the seminar calendar.
Expected to be in May 2012. Send an e-mail for further information on availability and price, or check the seminar calendar.
Three days of advanced photo workshop with lessons every morning with the European Champion Barista. August 2011 in Scandinavia. Send an e-mail for further information on availability and price, or check the seminar calendar
July 2011. Send an e-mail for further information on availability and price, or check the seminar calendar.
July 2011. Send an e-mail for further information on availability and price, or check the seminar calendar.
July 2011. Send an e-mail for further information on availability and price, or check the seminar calendar.
August 2011. Send an e-mail for further information on availability and price, or check the seminar calendar.

Aruba, December 2009
NEW: "Lightroom Survival Course"
This is a photography weekend with the new specialized seminar "Lightroom Survival Course" run by Thorsten Overgaard and Tue Juelsbo.
The seminar ends off with a full day of shooting. Read more about it here.

Berlin, 2010
NEW: The Overgaard Advanced Photo Workshop
On the ADVANCED workshop we spend three days of shooting and editing. Each day we focus on new assignments. The actual assignments will differ depending on locations available but will challenge you and teach you new techniques and better control of camera and light by guided hands-on assignemnts. Read more about this workshop here.
In winter 2011 I'll be doing seminars with Leica Denmark for new owners of a Leica camera. These seminars will be in Danish and will be short 4-hours economical seminars that introduces new users to cameras and editing in Lightroom 3. Send an e-mail for further information on availability and price.
That's the working title for a one week seminar in May 2012 in Barcelona. It will be a very cosy thing for an rather exclusive group, with our own chef and lots of assignments. Send an e-mail for further information on availability and price. Also check the Overgaard Seminar Calender 2011-2012 for (up-)dates.
Overgaard Pro Workflow Seminar

We start off with getting in control of the colors, including calibrating your screen with a Pantone eye-one calibrator, so that the colors on your monitor are correct in the future. On top of the fact that colors look beautiful when correct, it will improve your work because the contrast, the amount of light and all will become adjusted to meet the industry standards.

Workflow seminar in London, Sept 2010
When having put the professional foundation there, so to speak, we start creating your personal digital workflow: Import of pictures, archival of pictures, DAM (Digital Assets Management), selection of pictures (being an editor), preparing of files for several types of final (picture editing and adjustment) and then strategic archival of those (DAM).
This seminar will give insight into how you work with MANY picture files every week and in many years, without ever loosing the overview and without loosing valuable pictures. And another important thing; is how to complete the cycles of work so that you don't have tons of work piling up for later.

You will be equipped with some few, effective tools and trick that will enable you to make those dull, but in some way great pictures look good and sparkling, simply by using a small, but effective check list. And you will learn to FINISH pictures so that you have them ready for future use on web sites, in magazines and other print.

Your own computer:
Ideally you bring a computer with some software (you'll get a list in advance of free trials to download). However, you will leave the seminar with a checklist for all future, why the seminar can be done without your own computer (you might not have one, or it's a huge one).
Please ask via e-mail or telephone (+45) 8870 7300
About the headmaster! Thorsten Overgaard works as photographer, feature writer and teacher, as well as a communications consultant. He is the only Danish photographer who works for the worlds largest celebrity picture agency, and also photograph for Getty Images, Jyllands-Posten, Samvirke, TDC and Microsoft.
His work has been published in Vogue, Glamour. Variety, New York Sun, O Donna, Hollywood Life, Euroman and on E!, CNN, etc.
His hearth lies with Leica cameras and traditional color photography on slide film, scanned on the best scanners available. But today's workflow requires use of digital equipment on most assignments.
Download the free"Twenty Portraits of 2007" eBook with 20 selected photos of 2007:

Thorsten Overgaard Seminar at B&H Photo Video in New York on March 8, 2010 can be seen here:
(it's a bit long and the sound is not that great, but it's free)
"Lighting Techniques in Photography 4/12/10"