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November 2000

1. Execon agreed to buy AD ONE,, and Contracts to be signed officially later.

A photo of the main office in Randers.

14. Thorsten had meetings with a Copenhagen Corporate Finance company which had an alternative proposal to what had earlier been discussed. Althoug very interesting and tempting we had already signed with Execon and we left it like that.

14. In the evening Thorsten went to the First Tuesday meeting in Aarhus which is a place for companies to meet investors and consultants. Also there is briefings about cases. Met a lot of people; also some he didn't expect to meet. business still seems tempting for all kinds of people.

18-19. Thorsten went to PR convention at AOSH in Copenhagen.

27. Thorsten went to the Execon headquarter to do the official signing of the contracts together with founder and managing director of Execon Group, Søren Lam.

Thorsten Overgaard and Søren Lam are signing the contracts finalizing the Execon acquisition of AD ONE.

30. Thomas and Thorsten went to Oslo with Navision Software to do a seminar for graphic industry companies on how to have succes with e-business and how to integrate with Navision Software.
We stayed at a very nice hotel - the best in town we were told - and after arriving in the evening we got to visit the local Navision office that lies next to the hotel.

Caroline and Thorstens mother talking on the phone ...



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