
Click on picture for larger view [of our Christmas card 2006-2007]
1. Thorsten is featured artist of the month at the find-en-kunstner.dk

2-6. We had the CCHR-expo about PSYCHIATRY in Århus for five days which didn't leave much sleep but was quite fun to do. A team of about 30 volunteers took shifts as hosts, receptionists. The expo is now going to Copenhagen 8-26 January - then onto Berlin, Amsterdam and other places. The expo opening also marked the opening of a CCHR chapter in Århus.

3. Thorsten appeared in the Jyllands-Posten with the expo.

6. Thorsten appeared again in the Jyllands-Posten. This time the psychiatrists had voken up and "strongly warned against seeing the expo" [link] which seemed to have the oppisite effect as 738 people visited the expo in just one day. The highest number of visitors of all days. Also, Thorsten had a replyin the paper a few days later which you can read here. Also TV2 (link as QuickTime file), TV2 NEWS, the newspapers Nyhedsavisen, URBAN and others had articles about the expo.
8. Thorsten has been invited as one of the *very* exclusive beta-tester of The Venice Project.
12-14. Thorsten went to Berlin for photos and interviews.

Grand opening of the new Church of Scientology in Berlin was attended by 5,100 people, including Hollywood star Anne Archer and jazz musician Chick Corea. Thorsten shot the opening for WireImage.com

Night shot
20. We had heavy rain and floods in Denmark:

27. Maibritt went to re-union-party at her old school, Frijsenborg Ungdomskole:

Ulla og Merete

Maibritt og Ida

Arne følger lige op på om Morten Hjortshøj stadig er en god dreng og det er han selvfølgelig!
Charlotte Jørgensen studere videre til Revisor i Odense.

Frants, Ulrik, Thorkild og Lisette.

Bjarke og Ida diskutere verdenssituationen over aftensmaden.

Sofie Tønning har termin i April. Det bliver en dreng.

Christian og Bjarke.

Marie, Stine og Anna.
Så skal vi til at tage afsked igen.. Bortset fra de friske der forsætter på Buddy Holly i Århus

Lars og Emin - Det er Emin, der har haft arbejdet med at opstøve alle folk efter 10 år...

Ann-Kathrine og Rasmus.